Saints Row IV reviews are here!

Still 9 days to go....must think of something to fill the gap... must keep mind away from SRIV...

These videos, sadly, aren't helping me deal with my problem, they're enablers....
I'm in the same boat as you, Tommety, except 5 days here. I was hoping Payday 2 would hold my attention but none of my buddies have been available to play it and I hate playing with randoms. Then Charlie Murder, a game by one of my favorite indie devs, came out today and that hasn't been able to catch my attention either. Sometimes I hate having an obsessive personality. At least the videos are fairly interesting and show off some cool stuff without getting into spoiler territory for the most part.
It seems like playing it on Ps3 sucks. Why did the Xbox and the PC got like 85/100 and 87/100 respectively, while the ps3 got 79/100. What makes it so bad?
From what I'v read overall PC is apparently the way to go with SRIV

And that's sad, because I've pre-ordered for PS3, and from what I'm reading, it's kinda like crap. :(
And that's sad, because I've pre-ordered for PS3, and from what I'm reading, it's kinda like crap. :(
I just think it's ironic because usually it's the console version that's 100% better than the crappy PC port but I guess they flipped it around and made it so the consoles are a little crappier then the PC. (Iv heard the consoles have SOME framerate issues that's all...same kinda like the total biscuit review they seem to support Nvidia better than AMD)
I just think it's ironic because usually it's the console version that's 100% better than the crappy PC port but I guess they flipped it around and made it so the consoles are a little crappier then the PC. (Iv heard the consoles have SOME framerate issues that's all...same kinda like the total biscuit review they seem to support Nvidia better than AMD)

I think they're focusing more on the PC port because of the support to the modding community.