Saints Row Mouse And Keyboard Controls (For Xenia Emulator)

Hello, Saints and sinners!

Just a quick update from me. Around January of 2020, I had put together this document that lists my findings for some of the mouse and keyboard controls in Saints Row (2006), as ran through the Xenia Xbox 360 emulator.

I haven't touched this document since the first half of 2023. I had to do a bit of digging around to find it (was posted on Twitter/X during this time) since I had only made it public circa March of 2023.

Curiously enough, I only had it available in image format (trust me, even I'm scratching my head), but I still thought I'd attach it to this here thread in hopes that it could be of use to someone and tide them over until they get themselves a compatible controller for this trusty emulator.

Though incomplete (indefinitely), I've attached this document as-is to the lower half of this thread. I've also attached a better representation of the keyboard layout and how certain keys can be detected as inputs via the Xenia emulator (for Saints Row, that is) via an image from Flippy's video "How to Play Saints Row 1 on the PC", a video that I'd highly recommend watching if you haven't already.

To this day, I use my Xbox One controller to play this game via the Xenia emulator, so I don't have much use for these resources at the moment.

Flippy's Video + Keyboard Layout (credits to Flippy, of course):


My Document Of Saints Row's Mouse And Keyboard Controls (by myself, Jacob_MP, for Xenia emulator use):


Also, here's a link to my original tweet/post/etc. with this document attached:
I do hope that this thread helps you all out who're looking to try out Saints Row via the Xenia emulator. Feel free to add to my document, archive it, post it elsewhere, etc. I'm not too fussed as long as it helps as many users as possible.

Have a good one and stay classy, folks!

Yours, Jacob_MP.