Saints Row: The Third just got Steam trading cards!

You know, if Valve spent the time used to create trading cards to actually fix bugs, mainly the offline mode, in Steam... But I digress, aside from that, the trading cards are nifty I guess. If nothing else, should make for some badass wallpaper :) I don't really know anything about them, guess it's time to read up since some games I have finally support them.

Valve doesn't make the cards, they are made by the games' own devs. Aside from adding them into the daily update after the devs send them in, Valve has nothing to do with them.
Valve doesn't make the cards, they are made by the games' own devs. Aside from adding them into the daily update after the devs send them in, Valve has nothing to do with them.

They implemented the system behind it is what I mean, sorry, I did word it confusingly. Not that it's a bad feature or anything, but instead of implementing other features people have asked for forever, or just fixing bugs, we get that. I give them credit for it, it's neat and all, plus you can sell the cards and whatnot, and it actually seems well done. I kinda like it having gotten into it now, just a bit annoying considering the offline bug mostly. If Steam hasn't connected to the server before you lose Internet, it throws a fit and says you have to connect. Why it doesn't keep track of you having connected a day or two ago like it used to, I don't know. I haven't looked recently, but last I knew there's still no fix. Well, there was one, then Steam patched something in and that doesn't work either now. Feature wise, all I want is custom library organization.

But yeah, but I can look beyond it basically just because Steam still beats putting up with any other DRM at least haha
They're using them for another level of achievements, essentially. Steam has had a Badge system for a while now, and they're now doing this thing so you can have badges directly related to your games rather than just Steam events.

My SR:TT badge is maxed at level five already.
They're using them for another level of achievements, essentially. Steam has had a Badge system for a while now, and they're now doing this thing so you can have badges directly related to your games rather than just Steam events.

My SR:TT badge is maxed at level five already.

Nah dude, it is nothing more than plain, simple capitalism. Some people realize they are essentially spending money on a "product" that does not exist and in a moment of subconscious guilt they try to justify it: "people wanted to collect stuff so Valve made it..." "it's like achievements... ." While such thoughts may not be entirely wrong, they are far from being the full truth. Think about it, you can't buy achievements / trophies.

Tradings cards is nothing more than a selling-point for games and a lure for OCD collectors. And I speak from personal experience: I currently have sixty badges fully maxed out, and about eleven more fully maxed out still sitting in my inventory because I get tired of clicking the "create badge" button. The sooner people just admit to themselves what the system really is, and accept that fact, the happier they'll be with what they're doing.
Apparently you can sell the things. I have no clue how you'd buy them (I have no wish to but I guess selling them implies others buy them) for a minor percentage fee to Steam. Gives you Steam credit to use for whatever.
So, now, they made a way to get money back from my games... is the whole 'trading card' thing still active? Is it a one-off only while they were doing the sale, or can I still gain and sell them by playing games that counted for them like SRTT?
Apparently you can sell the things. I have no clue how you'd buy them (I have no wish to but I guess selling them implies others buy them) for a minor percentage fee to Steam. Gives you Steam credit to use for whatever.
So, now, they made a way to get money back from my games... is the whole 'trading card' thing still active? Is it a one-off only while they were doing the sale, or can I still gain and sell them by playing games that counted for them like SRTT?

The market is still active and you can get cards for games that you still have drops for or you can buy them on the market.

It is under the community menu.