Saints Row: The Third - Maero's Minigun


Staff member
After making Maero's Minigun for SR2 and SRIV, it's time SRTT got the same treatment.
Not as lore friendly as the other mods, since you'll see enemy brutes carry the minigun, but it is still nice to have if you use a mod that adds it to your weapons cache permanently.




To install the mod, move Brute_Minigun_gun_high.str2_pc and items_containers.asm_pc into your Saints Row the Third root folder: \steamapps\common\Saints Row the Third

If you already have an items_container.asm_pc from another mod in your root folder, only move the Brute_Minigun_gun_high.str2_pc into your root folder and use Viper Venom's UPDATED ASM UPDATER and run "Update_ASM_Files - after ADDITION or CHANGE of a mod file" to update your asm_pc file to make it compatible with my texture.

To uninstall the mod, remove Brute_Minigun_gun_high.str2_pc from the root folder, only remove items_containers.asm_pc if you have no other mods that depend on it, it's saver to just leave that file in your root folder and use the ASM UPDATER again by running "Update_ASM_Files - after REMOVAL of a mod file".

I hope you enjoy your minigun's new look!


scanti for SR3 Texture Utilities

Viper Venom for his updated ASM Updater tool

Admixon for help with the specular map

BeautiDuwanger for helping me with the asm stuff


This mod only changes the texture, you will need a separate mod to keep it in your inventory.