Saints Row: The Third on Occulus Rift

Dude, use the decapitation necklace to hide your head!

Seriously though, that looks pretty fun to try out, although the lighting rotation bug would get annoying pretty quickly. I likely won't be getting an Occulus any time soon (especially now that Facebook owns it) but if I did, this game would definitely be on the top of the to-play list. For now I'll stick to my Virtual Boy.
Dude, use the decapitation necklace to hide your head!

Seriously though, that looks pretty fun to try out, although the lighting rotation bug would get annoying pretty quickly. I likely won't be getting an Occulus any time soon (especially now that Facebook owns it) but if I did, this game would definitely be on the top of the to-play list. For now I'll stick to my Virtual Boy.

We got him a code for SR4 so he can work his oculus magic on it too. :)
wooooowwww!!! virtual reality steelport. what would be awesomer is if saints row 4 was on the occulus rift. so itd be like.... virtual reality... in a virtual reality!!!
(insert yo dawg gif here)
The only thing that would beat this would be a first-person Saints Row 2 with the oculus rift. SOMEBODY MAKE IT HAPPEN!