Activities & Missions Saints Row The Third Precursor


I think it'd be pretty neat and fitting if Jane Valderamma had this Camera when called up as a Homie. But anyone who knows my mod suggestions, knows that it won't end here.

Saints Row The Third Precursor:
I have no idea how Mission and Activity based mods work for this game, but I'm assuming that in order to add new Missions or Activities, they have to replace an existing one. So...

Since Fuzz is my least favorite activity, I was wondering if both full sets of Fuzz Activities can be replaced with 12 custom missions designed to play as a precursor to SRTT?

With the celebrity theme SRTT follows, I figured that during each mission, one of the Homies could act as the cameraman as they perform Bank Heists, prevent gang uprisings, etc.

This Mod will also rework all of the Homies.

Our City:
With the 3 gangs defeated and Ultor in ruins, the Saints celebrate their victory in true Saints style... Getting wasted in a seedy bar in a burnt down neighbourhood.

The Boss, Pierce, and Shaundi are at Sea Roses ordering drinks, when a gang of Bikers show up hoping to take the Saints down while they're distracted. Gat shows up to drive the Saints back to the Hideout.

- The Boss has drunk effects throughout this mission and only has access to their Melee and Pistol
- Pierce's dialogue from Riot Control "I hate this standing around shit, why can't somethin' exciting happen?" is reused at the start of this mission
- Tobias's Helicopter can be heard taking off at the start of this mission, suggesting that he dropped them off right after collecting them from the Philips Building
- Pierce and Shaundi both wield Vice 9s for this mission
- Gat's dialogue from Visiting Hours "Ya know you could have brought flowers instead of a gang of people trying to kill me." is reused when he arrives to pick up the Saints

Mission Reward:
Homie - Tobias

Make A Name:
To make sure no one dares challenge the Saints again, they decide to record themselves taking out an upstarting gang in the Suburbs Expansion.

The Boss, Gat, and Pierce leave the Saints Hideout and go to the Suburbs Expansion District to take down the Biker gang and burn down their Hideout. The whole ordeal is recorded to discourage any further challengers to the throne.

- Pierce is wielding the Camera for this mission
- Gat uses a Tombstone for the first half of this mission, then switches to Molotovs when burning down the Biker Hideout
- Gat's dialogue from Room Service "God I'm looking forward to taking those assholes apart..." is reused at the start of this mission
- The Biker Hideout is Price's Mansion, but the Boss will need to take out 3 Biker outposts in the Suburbs Expansion before finding this out

Mission Reward:
Homie - Pierce

Slow News Day:
Jane agrees to air the Saints footage, if they agree to ruin Zach Johnson's career by luring him to fake stories.

The Boss drives to Channel 6 with the Camera. They meet with Jane. They then go to the Marina to "hold up" Luz's Shoe Store. The Boss and Luz then traverse the Marina, creating a few fake stories to distract Zach until he gets fired.

- The Camera is an equip-able weapon for this mission (But is not functional)
- The Boss will have to pick up the Camera from Aisha's House before driving to Channel 6
- In this mission, Zach is just this guy (Camera included)
- Zach getting fired is depicted by a Progress Bar
- After "holding up" Luz's Shoe Store, Zach will show up in a News Anchor. He'll get out with his Camera, be disappointed, get back in the Anchor, then drive away. After that, the Progress Bar will appear with a small section completed
- Zach will need to show up and witness every fake story for the Progress Bar to fill up

Mission Reward:
Homie - Luz

Publicity Stunt:
As well as deterring gang uprisings, the Saints have now gained a fan club. They are now left with a choice... Be feared, or be loved.

The Boss is awakened in the Red Light Loft by sounds of cheers and chants. They leave the Crib to be met by a citizen with a Camera, and several citizens just cheering. Upon punching one of them, the Boss realises that these citizens are not afraid. They recruit their new fan club and set out to entertain them with some typical Saints Mayhem.

- The "citizens" are Just Sporty Saints
- The Cameraman Citizen is prioritized when recruiting the Fan Club
- The Fan Club will back up the Boss if enemies attack
- This mission is where the Camera is revealed to work like a Flashbang by blinding enemies
- A Progress Bar will determine how much Mayhem will satisfy the Fan Club

Mission Reward:
Weapon - Camera

Ultor's Return:
Ultor have recovered enough to send forces out after the Saints, the Masako are sent to the Saints Hideout to destroy the Saints for good.

The Boss is enjoying the view in Technically Legal, when Shaundi texts them that the Hideout is under attack. They race to the Hideout to rescue the Saints.

- 3 Health Bars appear at the start of this mission. For Shaundi, Tobias, and Laura. The Boss must reach the Hideout and rescue each Homie before their Health Bar runs out
- After rescuing the 3 Saints, Gat's Health Bar appears, he will be found at the Hotel in the far end of Old Stilwater
- There are Masako attacking the Saints, and Masako throwing Molotovs around the Hideout
- The Hideout will return to it's deteriorated state for this Mission (symbolising it's destruction)

Mission Reward:
Homie - Shaundi

Stand Tall:
With their old Hideout destroyed, the Saints decide to crash on Ultor's couch instead.

The Boss, Pierce, Shaundi, and Gat assess the damage to the Hideout. Since it's now in disrepair, they decide Ultor will provide them shelter... So they set off to claim the Philips Building as their new Hideout.

- Shaundi wields the Camera for this mission
- When finally making it past the Masako and getting to the top floor, The new "Ultor Executives" look a lot like the Morningstar
- There are 5 "Ultor Executives" to defeat, but the last one arrives in a Tornado

Mission Reward:
Crib - Philips Building

Law & Orderless:
Troy sends the SPD out to arrest the Saints for all the destruction they've caused, but now he's the one receiving backlash.

The Boss and Gat are drinking at Sea Roses, when the SPD arrive. After failing to fight them off, The Boss and Gat are escorted to the Suburbs Expansion Beach for transport to the Prison Island. Along the way, they are rescued by their new fanclub. The Boss and Gat them go directly to Troy's Office, where they reach an agreement to both run and protect the city.

More info soon...
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I think it'd be pretty neat and fitting if Jane Valderamma had this Camera when called up as a Homie.
I had a look into this, but unfortunately it's not as simple as assigning those animations to npc_homie_janev_pre.xtbl, since there is no animation set for the Video Camera (unlike, say, the Laundry Basket, which works as a child animation set to a regular parent animation set [ie: pml1.xtbl]).

It would seemingly involve modifying npc_homie_janev_pre.xtbl to use the "PML1" animation set, changing her weapon to "video_camera" in spawn_info_ranks.xtbl, changing the Weapon_Class for the video_camera in weapons.xtbl, and then making sure "video_camera.smeshx" is listed in preload.tbl. But I haven't been able to get it working.

The best I could come up with is permanently attaching the video_camera.smesh to her left hand:

As for custom missions (nice idea, btw), IdolNinja wrote a tutorial on this, and I seem to remember reading something nclok1405 wrote explaining SuperUI's mod missions. I haven't got my head around .lua enough yet though. Still, that's quite a project you've come up with!


I had a look into this, but unfortunately it's not as simple as assigning those animations to npc_homie_janev_pre.xtbl, since there is no animation set for the Video Camera (unlike, say, the Laundry Basket, which works as a child animation set to a regular parent animation set [ie: pml1.xtbl]).

It would seemingly involve modifying npc_homie_janev_pre.xtbl to use the "PML1" animation set, changing her weapon to "video_camera" in spawn_info_ranks.xtbl, changing the Weapon_Class for the video_camera in weapons.xtbl, and then making sure "video_camera.smeshx" is listed in preload.tbl. But I haven't been able to get it working.

The best I could come up with is permanently attaching the video_camera.smesh to her left hand:
View attachment 41618
Yeah, I kinda meant Jane having the camera as a weapon. I'm pretty sure the camera is held the same way as a rocket launcher, but in terms of functionality, it would probably just be used as a melee weapon

And thanks by the way. It literally all came together from playing the Fuzz Activity and taking note of the Camera