I highly recommend the mission DLCs for SR3 and SR4, but if you only pick one, you should definitely get "How the Saints Save Christmas" for SR4. It's totally awesome. You won't regret it. But wait until Christmas.I however have not played the SR3 or SR4 dlc's

Ha ha ha! Thank you for finding such a nice way of saying I'm crap at the game!Your play style is different and so are your expectations when it comes to GTA 4

It's okay. I know I'm terrible at games that require fast reflexes. But I would still really like to experience the full story of GTA 4. It's just super frustrating if I can't.
Yes, don't confuse Saints Row with Saint's Row, the district where Saints' first crib is. The crib is called the Saints Row Church, not the Saint's Row Church, even though it's in Saint's Row. Simple! How could anybody be confused by that?Please, it burns my eyes and heart.
Saints not Saint's