I noticed that his extended customization doesn't work right with the newest patch of the game:(.
The str2_pc files crash my game but if i just put his xtbl files in there, go to the boat docks and customize the helps and leave after saving the game, reload the game without any xtbl files in there, save the game again and exit, then put my personal xtbl files back in there and load the game and all works. But if i put all his files in there, even if I update the asm, with idol ninjas customize any vehicle version 3 as noted, my game won't load and just crashes at start screen:(. With yours I can customize anything except the helps and vtols and don't have that annoying prompt crap and all works perfect:). Why his files won't work I don't know but I dealt with his helicopters xtbl files long enough to get it saved and then put yours back in:p
Can you explain the reason why the difference in the sr3city.lua fro yours and idol ninja? Yours reads:
Tutorial_suspend_all ()
His reads:
Tutorial_suspend_all (true)

Yet when i use yours with my line added:
Tutorial_first_time_suspend_all ()

I have never seen one popup message, tutorial,hint or otherwise. What is the difference in the coding and why does his still have tutorial popups nonstop yet yours doesn't? By the way, before adding my line, your sr3city.lua had one minor glitch:
When starting the gsme and raiding the gaurd armory, when goin to use the reaper drone it spit out the entire tutorial at once. Example:
Started spitting out messages while using the reaper drone telling me how to enter and exit a car, diversion respect, property ownership etc.
Why it did that i have no clue. Try adding my line to your sr3city.lua under the sr3city main and see what happens. Worked for me anyways. I am using your hud port in conjunction with mission replay no forced outfits with my minor modifications to mission perameters like weaponry and so forth.
Can you explain the reason why the difference in the sr3city.lua fro yours and idol ninja? Yours reads:
Tutorial_suspend_all ()
His reads:
Tutorial_suspend_all (true)

Yet when i use yours with my line added:
Tutorial_first_time_suspend_all ()

I have never seen one popup message, tutorial,hint or otherwise. What is the difference in the coding and why does his still have tutorial popups nonstop yet yours doesn't?
According to Lua documentation, tutorial_suspend_all function defaults to true if no parameters are given - you can put true but you can also leave it empty, it should work the same. Also, your function isn't present in Lua documentation, where did you find it?
By the way, before adding my line, your sr3city.lua had one minor glitch:
When starting the gsme and raiding the gaurd armory, when goin to use the reaper drone it spit out the entire tutorial at once. Example:
Started spitting out messages while using the reaper drone telling me how to enter and exit a car, diversion respect, property ownership etc.
Why it did that i have no clue. Try adding my line to your sr3city.lua under the sr3city main and see what happens. Worked for me anyways. I am using your hud port in conjunction with mission replay no forced outfits with my minor modifications to mission perameters like weaponry and so forth.
...I have no idea why this would happen but unfortunately, we cannot change vanilla Lua functions, they're hardcoded.
According to Lua documentation, tutorial_suspend_all function defaults to true if no parameters are given - you can put true but you can also leave it empty, it should work the same. Also, your function isn't present in Lua documentation, where did you find it?

...I have no idea why this would happen but unfortunately, we cannot change vanilla Lua functions, they're hardcoded.
was found in tutorial.str2_pc file in the interface.vpp file under a subcoding. I simply acknowleged the pattern used and recognized the scripting and added the function. You know all the little hints that tell you to acess your map or so forth, well I simply disabled those with that coding. Like when in mission we are going to need guns, it tells you to access the map, it no longer throws up the small hint boxes at the top until you access the map. I have been thumbing through the game files constantly to remove any and all prompts because I find them highly annoying. So I guess you could say I was just simply trying to learn from your work and enhance my knowledge of how the game functions work.
was found in tutorial.str2_pc file in the interface.vpp file under a subcoding. I simply acknowleged the pattern used and recognized the scripting and added the function. You know all the little hints that tell you to acess your map or so forth, well I simply disabled those with that coding. Like when in mission we are going to need guns, it tells you to access the map, it no longer throws up the small hint boxes at the top until you access the map. I have been thumbing through the game files constantly to remove any and all prompts because I find them highly annoying. So I guess you could say I was just simply trying to learn from your work and enhance my knowledge of how the game functions work.
Oh well, I never found those mission hints annoying, I just hate those freeroam tutorial popups. They really should've given us an option to toggle those, it's horribly frustrating to see those obvious tips constantly popping up at random and covering half of the screen. Anyway, I'm happy you use my work for learning purposes, it's awesome to see that it didn't go down the drain. :)
Oh well, I never found those mission hints annoying, I just hate those freeroam tutorial popups. They really should've given us an option to toggle those, it's horribly frustrating to see those obvious tips constantly popping up at random and covering half of the screen. Anyway, I'm happy you use my work for learning purposes, it's awesome to see that it didn't go down the drain. :)
Your work never does my friend;). I have learned a lot from you and idol ninja. That how I was able to program certain missions like the bank robbery to have dual wield and all that neat stuff. I learned how to do most of the programming I have done so far by studying you and idol ninja and some other people around here. Our work is never wasted if others find it useful in some way or just straight out enjoy what we have accomplished;)
According to Lua documentation, tutorial_suspend_all function defaults to true if no parameters are given - you can put true but you can also leave it empty, it should work the same. Also, your function isn't present in Lua documentation, where did you find it?

...I have no idea why this would happen but unfortunately, we cannot change vanilla Lua functions, they're hardcoded.
I was able to help out slightly. The line in sr3city lua is no longer needed:
tutorial_suspend_all (true)
I have disabled the tutorial by default with this updated tutorial.str2_pc file.
Place it with your mod and update the asm and remove the line from sr3city.lua and no more tutorial in freeroam and most mission prompts.
Some are hardcoded in the mission files( I was able to remove any tutorial hints from mission 1 and 2 but still in progress).
For now this disables the tutorial for freeroam and most all hints by default and I will let you know if I have any more progress. Also, the tutorial no longer spills out at once during using the reaper drone in m2.


Is there any way to disable the hud fading. i never understood everyone's obsession with removing hud elements. i like knowing how much health stamina and ammo i have >:( And since i cant seem to get this uninstalled without breaking my game im stuck with it. Please help. and yes. i know its 2017. just taking a shot in the dark to see if anyone can help. but this is what i get for trying to make older games feel fresh again.
Is there any way to disable the hud fading
Unpack hud.str2_pc from this mod with Gibbed.SaintsRow3.UnpackSTR2.exe, then open hud.lua with any xml editor like Notepad++ and change all instances of "--unhide_weapons = true" by "unhide_weapons = true".
Then repack hud.str2_pc with Gibbed.SaintsRow3.PackSTR2.exe and update included patch_vint_doc_containers.asm_pc and vint_doc_containers.asm_pc with Gibbed.SaintsRow3.UpdateASM.exe
Here, I did the job for you:

