Same map as SRTT...why?

My brother recently pointed out to me how despite being a sequel to SRTT, Saints Row IV uses the same map as SRTT. I mean there are a few changes, but mostly it's the same place. What if Rockstar Games released GTA V, and it had the same map as GTA IV, just new missions and maybe some minor changes to the map? I understand that SRIV was originally planned as DLC for 3, but still I'm sure many fans would have been willing to wait longer if it meant a whole new map to explore. They could at least have added Stilwater as well. (It's not too late to add that as free, or even cheap, DLC! :))
i agree. one of the few blemishes on an otherwise awesome game. personally, i would have liked to see a DIFFERENT new and interesting city rather than a rehash. dont get your hopes up for a stillwater dlc. that would take too long a time for official dlc. the modding community may be able to pull it off.... once the sdk is released.... but it would still take a looong time to do.
Remember that 4 was originally supposed to be DLC for The Third. They just expanded it greatly into a full game.
If I recall, They change stillwater to take it look like long time has pass since SR1. I wish they did the same for steelport as it look like only a week or two has pass.
I really hope that, between the new tech and THQ finally being dead, Volition will be able to create a brand new and varied world for SR5
Diffrent between Rockstar and Volition, is that Volition have alot less time to spend on theyr production cycels as they are much closer toghter
if you think of other games like say COD they are all the same yes they have new maps but game feels exactly the same every game its same with most games that try to bring a new game out every year or around that kind of time period :)

also the whole going from THQ to Deep Silver thing give them time to get back on theyr feet :p
Smiling Jacks Diner has a Taco setting on a table that hasn't moved since SRTT.....which is my main's not just the same map it is literally the exact same assets and resources. SR 4 turned out to be far more amazing then the sum of it's parts, but I wouldn't suggest Volition try it again for SR 6. I think it's time for a proper sequel. However, I do believe the engine they have for the past two games is amazing on a nerd level, so I do hope they continue beafing it up into the next generation, and continue giving us the ability to import out past boss into the next games, but we need more new next time.