Sandbox+ for Saints Row 2

Hi IdolNinja! I back to SR2 and I started new game. And then I went to Fight Club and I started an fight. Everything was good to the moment when I started execution. Then I had to press 1 several times. And, after sixth press, Sandbox+ teleported me to Airport. :confused: Can it be fixed?

I'll need to substitute a different key instead of 1. The best one I can think of is the Reload key (R by default.) I can't imagine why someone would press R three times in a row while playing, but I am open to suggestions/discussion. Reload also should work well for both on foot and while driving. Thoughts?

Reload is a problem. I was accidentally triggering the code entry while testing some stuff out in the open world just driving around. Decided to just use 888 to trigger code entry since that won't interfere with zombie uprising or fight club.
I've read the Twitter Post about new SR2 Sandbox+ Update and I'm wondering if it's already not in that update you are working on, if you can change factions like in SRTT version? Swapping to Police Faction would be very nice.

I'll give it a shot, sure. :)
Oh sure. I currently have a command to lock notoriety at 0, but could certainly add extra commands to lock at each level using the same function.
I've attached a wip version to this post. Give the new team commands and the new notoriety commands a run through and let me know how they work out. It installs the same as the previous version; i.e. put sr2_city.lua here and rebuild your GotR patch:

Don't forget that the new code entry trigger has changed from 111 to 888 so that it doesn't interfere with Fight Club or Zombie Uprising.


I have to say, this is QUITE awesome, I got a phone call the instant I loaded in to that ahood was being raided and then i Locked Nort 2 and they Successfully followed me around and shot anyone hostile to me, in this case Ronin, I'm currently stopping Terrorism in our Suburbia's! Excellent job Idol.

Glad to hear it. If you have time to give all the different teams and notoriety levels/commands a run through and report back that would be really helpful. I plan on adding some more stuff over this weekend and doing an actual release either Sunday or Monday. Other suggestions and requests are also always welcome. :)
I've attached a wip version to this post. Give the new team commands and the new notoriety commands a run through and let me know how they work out. It installs the same as the previous version; i.e. put sr2_city.lua here and rebuild your GotR patch:

Don't forget that the new code entry trigger has changed from 111 to 888 so that it doesn't interfere with Fight Club or Zombie Uprising.

Thanks. :)
New WIP build. Added command:
815 - Disable/Enable player weapons (handy for animation commands if you don't want to see the weapons switching)

Using the animation commands kind of annoyed me since it would swap weapons slots as you punched in the codes and you were usually stuck with some weapon equipped while the anim looped. This new command noted above lets you toggle if weapons are disabled/enabled so the anims proc without any kind of weapon equipping/switching.


Love it! :)

One question, though, will you ever add car invulnerability? I don't live in fear of dying so much; but I just don't like to see my car dented, like ever :P
Love it! :)

One question, though, will you ever add car invulnerability? I don't live in fear of dying so much; but I just don't like to see my car dented, like ever :p

I have been trying, believe me. Oh, how I've been trying. The stupid thing will simply not work the way it should for some weird reason and I have no idea why.

Also, I hate having beat up cars too which is why I've been racking my brain over it.