Sandbox+ for Saints Row IV

I have found the position for the normal White House (before Zinyak's attack), possible during the 2nd mission, or anytime. You can add this by opening sr3_city.lua and add this at line 751

R + PAGE UP - Teleport to White House - Press Conference
elseif player_action_is_pressed(B_PGUP) and not RELOAD_PUSHED then
                --TELEPORT TO White House Press Conference
                city_zone_swap("wh", true)
                local tposx,tposy,tposz = (633.256 - ctele_Posx), (1960.711 - ctele_Posy), (326.396 - ctele_Posz)
                teleport_to_object(LOCAL_PLAYER, "nw_qm_nav", false, false, tposx , tposz, tposy , false)
                sandboxplus_message(" Teleported to White House - Press conference - Found By Pliskin Hunter")
                if COOP_COMMANDS and coop_is_active() then
                    teleport_to_object(REMOTE_PLAYER, "nw_qm_nav", false, false, tposx , tposz, tposy , false)
                TAUNT_PUSHED = true

I'm gonna look for some more. Any place you need ? (Like the opening)

EDIT: Here's the White House - Cutscene Floor

R + DELETE - Teleport to White House - Cutscene Floor
        elseif player_action_is_pressed(B_DELETE) and not RELOAD_PUSHED then
    --TELEPORT TO White House - Cutscene floor
                city_zone_swap("wh", true)
                local tposx,tposy,tposz = (589.623 - ctele_Posx), (2014.219 - ctele_Posy), (317.826 - ctele_Posz)
                teleport_to_object(LOCAL_PLAYER, "nw_qm_nav", false, false, tposx , tposz, tposy , false)
                sandboxplus_message(" Teleported to White House - Cutscene Floor - Found By Pliskin Hunter")
                if COOP_COMMANDS and coop_is_active() then
                    teleport_to_object(REMOTE_PLAYER, "nw_qm_nav", false, false, tposx , tposz, tposy , false)
                RELOAD_PUSHED = true
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Thanks for the White House pre-invasion coordinates. I'll add those in shortly. The ruins were already added in last Tuesday though. Check C+RIGHT BRACKET.
I can't really think of anything. Although...

Each Speed Rift, TK Rift, Platforming Rift, and Super Powered Fight Club do have 3 locations/zones with minor differences. It might be nice to have those, but would definitely be the first things cut if we run out of command space. Does everyone else feel the same way? I can't imagine that they would be that important to anyone.
I never really paid attention to thoses missions... I can find them but... well, wouldn't be the top priority to me either...
What about Shaundi's Simulation ? I didn't found it in the commands.
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What about Shaundi's Simulation ? I didn't found it in the commands.

Z + LEFT ARROW - Teleport to De Plane 1
Z + DOWN ARROW - Teleport to De Plane 2
Z + UP ARROW - Teleport to De Plane - Club

I named a lot of these after the mission names. I should probably change them to make it easier for people to understand.
I can't really think of anything. Although...

Each Speed Rift, TK Rift, Platforming Rift, and Super Powered Fight Club do have 3 locations/zones with minor differences. It might be nice to have those, but would definitely be the first things cut if we run out of command space. Does everyone else feel the same way? I can't imagine that they would be that important to anyone.

Generally, I felt the same way about the rifts as I felt about Heli Assault in SRTT... played once for completion, but found them pretty tedious, and not very fun. Is there a way to use this to populate the towers with aliens for a more interesting climbing experience?