Sandbox+ for SRTT

I crammed all the commands in Sandbox+ into a somewhat decent looking two-page printable cheat sheet. If anyone else wants it, here's the download:

Sandbox++ Commands Cheat Sheet: PDF, DOCX

Rather than link to an external source, please just attach them to your post. That way you never have to worry about them expiring or download limits or anything like that.
There is a slow walking animation that appears when you are getting into a vehicle, or walking into a wall. Anyway you could enable that and add a shortcut for it?
(If u need a vid or gif I can make one if u dont know what im talking about)
If you're talking about enabling a Walk animation, that's already in the game.
Check the options screen..

As you might be able to see (it's kinda small after resizing), I have mine bound to Mouse button 5.

Here's a short Vid of it in action:

If you're talking about enabling a Walk animation, that's already in the game.
Check the options screen..

As you might be able to see (it's kinda small after resizing), I have mine bound to Mouse button 5.

Here's a short Vid of it in action:

Yes, thats it. Thanks
Edit: Yep
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Apologies in advance if this has already been addressed. The thread is a bit long.

I'm having an issue where Morningstar don't properly attack me when I have notoriety. When I have high Morningstar notoriety, they still attack if they see me, but they aren't spawning more than the occasional one or two cars, even at 5 stars. I tested it with police, Luchadors and Deckers. Notoriety for the rest are working, it's only a problem with Morningstar.

I have JediDave's character customizer, Gentlemen of Steelport, Shitface's NPC behavior and spawn mod, and Sandbox+. I installed them in that order.

Edit: It seems as though during activities, none of the groups spawn from notoriety.
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Sandbox+ shouldn't have anything to do with your issue. To test, simply rename sr3_city.lua to sr3_city.lua.old in the SRTT root, and see if the problem persists.
I did that, and extracted the packfiles from Sandbox+ again, just to be sure. Without the .lua, I didn't have the sandbox+ commands, but other than that, the game still seems to behave the same way.

I started one of the Snatch activities in Morningstar territory, and they set up road blocks like I would expect, but they don't swarm like they should. I could stand in one area, clear hostiles and hang around without confrontation. I also tried the medium Mayhem activity in Luchador territory, and at three stars, I wasn't getting any Luchador cars, just a few gang members wandering the street on foot.

I can try verifying files and re-installing mods. It seems like there's an issue buried in the mods somewhere.
Then it is obviously not a problem with Sandbox+. You need to first figure out which mod is causing it. I would suggest removing all mods and then adding things in one at a time and testing to find the culprit. At that point you can post in that mod's thread for advice/help.
After verifying files and re-installing mods, gangs are behaving like I would expect. I'm guessing I screwed up the file structure at some point. Sandbox was the most recent mod I installed, so that's why I inquired here.
Thanks for your time, IdolNinja.
Does this allow customization of non-customizable vehicles, including aircraft? I've been using the glitch to customize land vehicles with that restriction, but I'd like to be able to pimp out a chopper.

Also: would it be possible to use the Stork to lift stuff outside of the missions it's used for with this or another, compatible mod?