Sandbox+ for SRTT

It works ^^ I changed the key in control_binding_sets (to match with my bindings in game).
It was a bit hard beacause my game is in french actually, and I was confused.

Thanks for your help =)
Idolninja, does anything in this mod flag the save? Because when I did the 2 keys to let you see the murder brawl outro my save got flagged. I think because the auto save stopped working so I am just wondering.
Idolninja, does anything in this mod flag the save? Because when I did the 2 keys to let you see the murder brawl outro my save got flagged. I think because the auto save stopped working so I am just wondering.

No, nothing at all in this mod would ever flag a save file. That's something completely separate.
Check the first post in the purple box called Command List.
You'll see something like:
SHIFT + INSERT        = Teleport to Safeword

The first key in this case is shift, while the second is insert.