Sandbox+ for SRTT

Disabling gravity function works! Shot of my character running on thin air:



.44 alpha released. See OP for latest build.

.44 Changelog

Added 2 new special commands:
R + PGDOWN = Toggle Gravity
R + RIGHT = Toggle Avatar morph (BUGGY)

* Added 4 alt times of day from shitface's mod and combined them with vr and mars into one alt tod command. Thanks to gl2gz1 for merging all of them in and setting up the new tod slices
R + END = Cycle through 6 new times of day (virtual reality, mars, alt sunrise, alt noon, alt sunset, alt night)

* Fixed virtual reality time of day so that it doesn't break deckers.die opening cutscene
oh. sorry if that was my fault if i missed something. i do remember the cutscenes working as far as i remember with SF's original default district.xtbl for alt times. i've had certain cutscenes not working right here recently only becuz of zones etc, but that was happening before that at least for me. (i think trojan whores outro, comes to mind.) but that was just assumed on my part not a big deal since alpha release & all. i guess i'll wait to do the other times then.... i'm struggling with trying to figure out something else tonight anyway.
Actually, the problem with the deckers cutscene wasn't anything that you did. It was my VR timeslice. I had to move it from 2:30 am to earlier at 11:30pm to fix it. The latest .44 build should be good to go if you want to use that as your base and add in those other alt times from shitface. If you have time, of course. Don't sweat it if you're working on that camera stuff. Just make sure not to use anything between 2:30 am and 5am if you do.

Also, reading your other thread, the gravity toggle may be exactly what you're looking for since you can jump up over and over and climb like a foot each time. You should be able to get a much better idea of your camera Z coord that way.
Do you still need to use the Clear Skies cheat for the extra times? Also, is the version of the Alternate Times mod the original one or the second (more varied) one?
Do you still need to use the Clear Skies cheat for the extra times? Also, is the version of the Alternate Times mod the original one or the second (more varied) one?

No idea if that cheat is needed. Try it and you tell me.

It's the first version with plans to also include the second sometime in the near future.
Try the Mars time of day with stormy weather and it will be obvious. It no longer looks anything like mars at all.
Light rain or heavy rain? When I had it transition from Clear Skies to Heavy Rain while inside that Mars time slice it completely changed the look of it to normal and not Mars.

Sounds like we need more testing, so if anyone has some additional feedback that would be great.