Sandbox+ for SRTT

The only thing I could think that would do that is if you had the Level 40some upgrade that makes you immune to bullet damage.
Yes you are absolutely right, apologies for the idiocy, great mod! :oops: Just makes me wish there was a way to undo the upgrades without having to start a whole new game.
Yes you are absolutely right, apologies for the idiocy, great mod! :oops: Just makes me wish there was a way to undo the upgrades without having to start a whole new game.

Why not use Corrodias' save editor, handily located just one click away in the tools subforum?
Ah I searched briefly last night but couldn't find anything, guess I didn't search hard enough! Thanks, I'll check it out later today and hopefully I'll be able to use it for what I need.
i am late for the party but awesome mod! just came by from the other thread, following the advice and loving this. just quickly tested it and the world state ingame change features are brilliant, EXACTLY what i was looking for. after finishing the main story and the DLCs when you just want to roam around and finish up activities and such this comes in so handy and allows me to waste even more time on playing the game i love it! :D thanks!
How can i get this to work in Co-op??:confused:

Only the host can use commands, as noted in the known issues file that comes with the mod. Give it a read.

Then again, looks like I forgot to add that in. Anyway, see 8+PGDWN in the readme. That's the best that we can do with this script.
How can i get this to work in Co-op??:confused:
Read the rest of this thread, instead of just coming into it and posting without doing a little research.
Only the host can use commands, as noted in the known issues file that comes with the mod. Give it a read.

Then again, looks like I forgot to add that in. Anyway, see 8+PGDWN in the readme. That's the best that we can do with this script.

ehm okay but me and my friend cant join each other, when he sents me an invite or i join he doesent see a request, so i can get in and i just been kicked out to the main menu. when he tries to join me i allso dont see a request.
ehm okay but me and my friend cant join each other, when he sents me an invite or i join he doesent see a request, so i can get in and i just been kicked out to the main menu. when he tries to join me i allso dont see a request.

That has absolutely nothing to do with this mod. Your problem lies elsewhere.