Sandbox+ for SRTT

Does sr3_city.lua exist in your install folder? Are you 100% certain that you are using the one from Sandbox+ and not another mod like mission replay or something else?

Does the time of day automatically change for you as you play?

these are the file's i just in stalled

i'm 90% sure that it's is in there i'll re-down loud it and try again

and yes the time of day automatically change's as i play

Since the time of day changes, that means the files are correctly installed in the right place. You are either not pressing the right keys or you didn't reset the bindings in the right menu.
Since the time of day changes, that means the files are correctly installed in the right place. You are either not pressing the right keys or you didn't reset the bindings in the right menu.

i did rest the key bind's but after that all traffic disappeared S.T.A.G and gang's will still come after me but every thing else is gone
i did rest the key bind's but after that all traffic disappeared S.T.A.G and gang's will still come after me but every thing else is gone

Then you installed the alternate time of day files which the readme specifically tells you will cause that issue. Seriously, there was a huge warning not to use those files. Remove them.
Me and my friend both have this mod installed, but when we play co-op only the host can use the mod. The remote player can use some of the codes but not like the superpowers or the gravity and stuff.
Commands only work for the host due to how that particular script is processed. The client cannot initiate them. One of the commands does make each code process for both players though when the host uses it:
8 + PGDOWN = Toggle if commands process for only the host (default) or if they also affect remote coop player
Commands only work for the host due to how that particular script is processed. The client cannot initiate them. One of the commands does make each code process for both players though when the host uses it:
8 + PGDOWN = Toggle if commands process for only the host (default) or if they also affect remote coop player

after i deleted the file's and reset my key binds it still doesn't work