Sands of Stilwater


Welcome to Sandwater... to Stilsand... Stilbeach.
Me and Singa brought some sand to Stilwater!


9480_20200219230730_1.png 9480_20200219230626_1.png 9480_20200219230421_1.png 9480_20200219225100_1.png 9480_20200219224846_1.png 9480_20200219224637_1.png 9480_20200219224354_1.png 9480_20200219223130_1.png 9480_20200219222927_1.png 9480_20200219222751_1.png 9480_20200219222734_1.png 9480_20200219222630_1.png 9480_20200219222559_1.png 9480_20200219222532_1.png 9480_20200219222332_1.png 9480_20200219222303_1.png 9480_20200219222228_1.png 9480_20200219222117_1.png 9480_20200220002522_1.png 9480_20200220001753_1.png 9480_20200219191224_1.png

Installation Guide
1. Install GoTR first (required!) HERE
2. Download SnA_Sand.rar file and open it with WinRar or 7zip
3. Extract all of the files into "Gentlemen Of The Row" > "optional_mod_stuff" > "1-MODDERS_-_PUT_YOUR_OWN_PERSONAL_MODS_HERE",
4. Build a new patch: Open Create_Custom_GotR_v1.9.2.bat, press P and Enter to create custom patch.
5. Move everything from "MY_CUSTOM_PATCH" to you Saints Row 2 game folder and overwrite the files


Singa for... everything? Working with me on this project, helping me editing textures and other.
F13 for Editing textures in Saints Row 2 guide/tutorial
Masamaru for Saints Row 2 Peg Texture Tool

Recommended Mods
Season mod: Winter
Season mod: Spring
Season mod: Fall

New Phone Designs


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Mod looks great however there is a error in your thread.
4. Build a new patch: Open Create_Custom_GotR.exe, press P and Enter to create custom patch.

I think you meant Open Create_Custom_GotR_v1.9.2.bat, While it should be obvious to the average user and it being the only create gotr option there, it's not a exe but a dos batch based process.

So was just throwing that up to not confuse anybody with file extensions readily see-able, it's not a exe. But as stated the average user like myself knew what you meant.
Mod looks great however there is a error in your thread.
4. Build a new patch: Open Create_Custom_GotR.exe, press P and Enter to create custom patch.

I think you meant Open Create_Custom_GotR_v1.9.2.bat, While it should be obvious to the average user and it being the only create gotr option there, it's not a exe but a dos batch based process.

So was just throwing that up to not confuse anybody with file extensions readily see-able, it's not a exe. But as stated the average user like myself knew what you meant.
Thanks. I updated it :)