It helped a lot! It worked, thank you!You don't need to apologize for that.
On to the troubles.
Hope that helps.
- First off we complain in the item code that we can't find the high res item container named t2k_urban_a_high. It looks like the container is actually named wpn_tek9_high even though the files inside are t3k_urban_a_high.*. The problem here is actually one of the game's assumptions. It assumes the high res container will be named cmesh or smesh name with _high at the end. That name of the mesh internally will match the filename of the mesh. That just causes the high res mesh to never load and shouldn't be fatal.
- Same complaints for the high res skin items t3k_urban_a_sk1 and sk2. We're looking for wpn_tek9_sk1_high and wpn_tek9_sk2_high and can't find it. Again, this is the same forced naming based on the filename and not the container name. (this one seems to make things really sad)
- The container wpn_tek9_high loads and complains that it can't find the high res material loaded. It was looking for a material named wpn_tek9_high. The same happens for wpn_tek9_sk1 and wpn_tek9_sk2.
- When we actually buy the weapon we search for an inventory item named Pistol-Tek9 and can't find it to add. We should be looking for wpn_tek9 here, but don't because the weapon info's name is Pistol-Tek9.