I actually am of two minds about Kinzie in Gat out of Hell.
On the one hand, the arguments presented in Shaundi's favor in this thread are compelling, and rooted in her character. Furthermore, a part of me mildly mourns Shaundi's apparent demotion from leading lady of Saints Row in favor of Kinzie.
On the other hand, if they are going to use Kinzie as the co-star then dammit, give her something to do. She's barely even in the cutscenes, and the gameplay has no difference between Gat-mode and Kinzie-mode except different incidental dialogue. Granted, the shit coming out of Kinzie's mouth was fucking hilarious, but, its like the developers just did the bare minimum to patch her in this as a co-op player instead of genuinely making it what the trailers looked like, a full-on buddy cop movie.
As is, its like they fell halfway between, instead of going all-in on one or the other.
So... I liked Gat out of Hell. Everything it gave me, I loved. I just mourn all the things it didn't give me, but could have.