Shaundi is a much better fit for GAT out of Hell DLC than Kinzie

LOL But she is all skinny in SR3 and 4...

Look at her pic from SR4

and now her pic from SR GOFH


LOL But she is all skinny in SR3 and 4...


To the images comparing both left arms, they're not that much bigger as the rest of her body doesn't look like it was changed much.
Even then, I don't remember even Johnny looking that ripped either. I'm going to blame Lucifer's Halo on that.
What do you mean Kinzie isn't used to murdering people? She broke free of Zinyak and stole the ship on her own, fer chrissakes. If the Boss's own escape is anything to go by, that had to involve an awful lot of killing.
I would have absolutely preferred playing Shaundi (who isn't any less smart by the way, its just about their personality). I'm not too much of a fan of Kinsie (she conflicts with how I view my boss and her supposed superior intelligence is unfounded and annoyingly displayed). But Shaundi's an intelligent badass, why not play as her? I don't mind too much, because the both Shaundi and the boss were portrayed nicely enough.

The boss appearing at the end completely fine, as if it was nothing
"Op I'm in hell? Alright Ill just chill."
And how Shaundi just did other things while Kinsie and Gat messed around in hell, which I don't think of as not caring, but just considering it business as usual, not a big deal, its not like this is the most dangerous thing they've done.

I still hate Saints Row 4's dlc (its just, gaaaaah). But I hope to get into the expansion.
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What do you mean Kinzie isn't used to murdering people? She broke free of Zinyak and stole the ship on her own, fer chrissakes. If the Boss's own escape is anything to go by, that had to involve an awful lot of killing.
With a fully upgraded Dominator(aka Alien Rifle)? So of course she can break free easily xD
What do you mean Kinzie isn't used to murdering people? She broke free of Zinyak and stole the ship on her own, fer chrissakes. If the Boss's own escape is anything to go by, that had to involve an awful lot of killing.

I think some killing and maybe stealth as well.