Shiny Clothes 4 MC

It's a simple fix, you only need to use an alpha channel to make those black textures, that resemble those holes, transparent.
Now that 's where the issue occurs. An alpha channel is indeed used with the 'wild child pants' to create the holes in the leggings (or in the SC4MC mod to make the leggings disappear completely). And as you can see at the screenshots shown earlier, the player 's legs are revealed as long as you stay in the wardrobe menu. But from the moment you 'll decide to do your thing in Steelport, then the spots, created with the alpha channel, only appear black instead of transparent (and in the SC4MC mod the legs just appear black in it 's whole).

So I tried to find a solution for this issue by using the SR3 files of the 'wild child pants' (where the alpha channel works just fine).

At first it seemed to work out nicely, but by solving first issue I created a second one. By using the SR3 files for the mod, the game will crash when you load a savegame where your character is wearing the 'wild child pants' (only when the modded files for that item are installed of course). So there are only three options at the moment: 1) don 't use the mod for the 'wild child pants'; 2) don 't save your game when wearing the 'wild child pants'; 3) uninstall the mod before loading a game where your character wears the 'wild child pants'.
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I'm a big fan of this mod and I'm delighted to see it in SR4 too.
If I could have a small request, it would be 'basic denim' and 'hip skinnies' :)
And I have to say thank you already :)
Hi, I really liked your mod for sr3 and i just can't play sr4 without it.
I'm playing with a female character and I would really like that shinny outfit from Leather & Lace which Morningstar's female soldiers used to wear in sr3.
Oh, and thank you....I hope that list of outfits populates quickly. :)
Hey I also loved your mod for SR3.

Do you think it'll be possible to use the same shiny look that the super saints like Kinzie, Asha, and Shaundi costumes use?
Just wanted to prefix this with by making clear, I'm not saying it's this mod causing an issue as such but I would guess it's how its interacting with the recent dodgy official patches, to cut a long story short (too late) I started crashing on loading my latest avatar.

The order of events.

Avatar #1 on UK launch (23rd August), at around 97-99% put on hold with the pushing of the woeful official patches. To be looked at later if the official patches ever actually fix anything without breaking elements further. As I was in a holding pattern I stared mucking around on two or three other avatars who have since been deleted as they were horribly broken by the official patches.

With the most recent fix for the fix for the fix official patch push I started a proper Avatar #2 with this mods 'Leather' version the 'Remove Power Glow' mod and also 10x genki spawn installed. Things seemed to be more or less OK with the game in general, noticed a couple of hiccups (frame rate stutters) with the autosave that didn't happen with the unpatched game and one crash with no proper error message.

This avatar #2 is female, on purchasing the 'wild child pants' I noticed it had no leggings and only the skirt/belt part of the model was visible when combined with the 'old lady biker boots', (that was cool, I don't like the leggings and wouldn't even use the piece with them attached), played some more and saved/quit for the day.

I came back and I can't load any of Avatar #2's saves nor its autosave, trial and error removing combinations of the three mods listed above I can load the game with any combination of the other mods, (1+0, 0+1, 1+1) I list above but cannot load them with this mod in any variation of items (leather or wet, full or partial, 0+0+1, 1+0+1, 0+1+1) I have tried.

Again, I'm not saying this mod causes the issue but I have to guess it's a conflict with the most recent god awful official patch.

Anyway, if you managed to get through my verbal diarrhea of a post my thanks for your time in reading.
The easiest way to see if a mod is causing any issues you see is to REMOVE the mod...

If a mod that was working, suddenly is not, then most likely, it changes something that was changed in the patch and the author has not updated their mod to reflect those changes.

Looking through the mod, it looks like you probably have an ASM conflict.
Are you using any other mods that modify Customize_Item.asm_pc?

If you are, you will need to copy the str2_pc files from that mod into the MY_CUSTOM_SHINY_CLOTHES folder of this mod before running the installer.
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Hey, could you throw in the bomber jacket?
can you add some shine to the Sim Hero suit?
I'd like to request the Go-go Dress, Peep Toe Heels and Arm Warmers, if possible.
If I could have a small request, it would be 'basic denim' and 'hip skinnies'
I'm playing with a female character and I would really like that shinny outfit from Leather & Lace which Morningstar's female soldiers used to wear in sr3.
Hey gamers, you can find your clothes in the last update 'SR4ShinyClothes_1.1'
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Nope, as mentionned earlier this

Hey gamers, you can find your clothes in the last update 'SR4ShinyClothes_1.1'

Oh you nice person. Thank you.

By way of warning/explanation: you need 1.0 and then 1.1 to make this work. Just 1.1 by itself lacks a lot of the necessary resources and you will get an error when running the .bat file chiding you for not properly extracting everything. Get and extract 1.0 and then 1.1, overwriting where asked, and it works fine.
Thank you !! Can't wait for 1.2.
My request would be the bondage pants so my ouffit is complete :)
SaintsRowIV 2013-09-03 14-04-04-51.jpg

Really liked your mod for SR3 .. can't play female Chars without it :D