Shiny clothes for the main character

Thanks again so much :D Continues to be my favorite mod of all time.

Just a note though, I noticed that the shiny Vixen Corset either no longer worked after the latest .bat file (and if you left the old vixen cutmesh in) it would freeze. I found the error to be an extra space in a line near the end of the .bat file causing it to not build it into the customize_item.

If anyone has trouble just search the .bat file in notepad for "Vixen" the very bottom instance of it will look like
"if '%VIXEN_CORSET _MOD%'=='install' (
copy shine_clothes\vixen_corset \*.* temp_workspace\ /y"

Just delete the space between vixen_corset and the \ next to it and save. It now installs correctly :)
There also seem to be spaces in all the vixen corset variable names as well which needed to be corrected. I've attached a fixed version of the bat file from the 4/1 update.


Oops, I think I know what went wrong.
I 've brewed a certain method to edit the batch installer for future updates. Editing goes much smoother that way but, even when I thought it was waterproof after a few hours of testing, it still seems to have some errors.

See, I' ve created an excel spreadsheet that contains the whole layout of the batch installer. With the help of commands like "VLOOKUP" etc. the item 's names (and their variable names) are being picked out of a list and put in place of the layout where they belong. After that 's done I copy/paste the whole content to a notepad file again and the batch installer is updated.

Now it seems that the Vixen Corset 's variable name (vixen_corset) in that list probably has a typo, a space (I haven 't got the time yet to check it out). That 's probably the reason why it appears wrong everywhere in the batch file.

Anyway, sorry for the discomfort. I 'll see that it is fixed with the next update.
It seemed to work fine after I deleted the one extra space at the end of the file as I described. :)
BTW any plans to do the regular tube top?
I have a question ! When i use this mod , other co-op with me they don't see my clothes or even my char right ? My friend co-op withe me this morning, he said he didn't see my char.
Could you maybe make a version where the leggings of the wild child skirt aren't removed? With the leggings also not being torn and being shiny like the skirt?
I tried doing it myself and I got the leggings back, but they're not shiny, could you point out which hexcodes need changing to change the speculars? I tried finding them myself by looking at the original .ccmesh file and the one from this mod but I can't even find anything changed.
Looks like I'm the only one here who can't get this mod works... How do you update the customize_item.asm file? Well, actually my question can I install this mod? There's no how-to-install readme or anything in the 7z archives...
I know this is really stupid but could someone point me to the right direction?
Looks like I'm the only one here who can't get this mod works... How do you update the customize_item.asm file? Well, actually my question can I install this mod? There's no how-to-install readme or anything in the 7z archives...
I know this is really stupid but could someone point me to the right direction?

"Just start the batch installer (Build_Custom_Shiny_Clothing_Mods.bat) and follow the instructions."
Pretty much right at the top of the first post.
Can you do hills parisian style and hills jacket with vest to make them shiny?

BTW any plans to do the regular tube top?
Could you maybe make a version where the leggings of the wild child skirt aren't removed? With the leggings also not being torn and being shiny like the skirt?

Hey gamers, your requested clothing has been modded and added to update_20120412.

I tried doing it myself and I got the leggings back, but they're not shiny, could you point out which hexcodes need changing to change the speculars? I tried finding them myself by looking at the original .ccmesh file and the one from this mod but I can't even find anything changed.

When you open "cf_nlmb_lbdy_f_skirt.ccmesh_pc" with a hex editor you 'll notice that the string at row 830 has been changed:

To make a shiny version of the leggings, the same changes need to be made at row 650:

I have a question ! When i use this mod , other co-op with me they don't see my clothes or even my char right ? My friend co-op withe me this morning, he said he didn't see my char.
Unfortunatly I cannot help you with this matter for the fact that I 've never played this game in coop mode. So, like probably many other mods, I cannot garanty this one will work in multiplayer/coop mode.