Shitface & Fan of Saints' Expanded Arsenal Mod

V0.5 Beta released. Includes icons for knife (all costumes) and Togo-13. Thanks, Mask Mods! I also added special ammo entry for Togo-13 but who gives a shit. :P




Here we go again with a bunch of small updates. V0.5.1 includes new icon for Mech Weapon and Marauder Weapon (but still, current Marauder Weapon icon is temporary; Mask Mods is working on new one :D).
Yes and here it is ;), I decided to do it tonight insted as I had some time took a while to get right but here it is let me know how it looks in game it should fit beter aswell its like 103px heigh


Both you and your friend would prob need the mod install, if the hud file your on about is hud_us.le_strings then that wont make any diffrence you will just be missing text in games that file handels the strings for the hud

Ah ok thanks you for your answer.

Did your friend(s) install the mod? If not, I don't know why are you confused that the game crashes.
Also, Sandbox+ doesn't use any .le_strings files... :confused:

Because I don't knew that, maybe it was for another mod.

I just want the SUIT BLASTER to be like in the Grand Finale, which it has big explosion and strong damage. Though I don't mind the other additions too, only if you exclude the "Dual-wield shotguns and rifles". Also, why is this thread still in "Mods in Progress" when you've already released the download?
As F.O.S is not online atm, I guess ill anser this for you.

This mod will give you the Cyber Blaster it is the default version the same as in the 'Grand Finale', also if you dont want the dual weild weapons you would have to edit them back to single weild your self, to do this you will need to open Weapons.xtbl with Notepad++ (or text editor of your choice) press ctrl+f type in the weapon name you want to change from dual weild into single weild use that search function then to find its entry in the weapons table then look for the flags it will be a section marked up like this not exactly like this as each weapon is diffrent but it will have the dual weild flag
         <Flag>dual wieldable</Flag>
         <Flag>allow offhand grenade</Flag>
         <Flag>do not hide when sprinting</Flag>
         <Flag>infinite magazine capacity</Flag>

all you need to do is delete the dual weild flag so all of this part <Flag>dual wieldable</Flag> then save the file and drop it into your SRIV root with the other mod files

and I think the reason its still in mods in progress is its not quite finished ther are a few things he still wants to add in and doesnt wana call it finshed untill he feels its up to a certain standerd if im rong im sure F.O.S will post a reply correcting this post

Hope this helps you out a bit :)
You will be happy to see this ;), we can now add the new weapons that we wanted for both your mod and our mod :D
Nice! I'll check it out. :D
BTW, yeah, I'm going to copy all/as much as possible (BMS said something about items_3d.xtbl limit) models from Saints Row 3. :p
Though I don't mind the other additions too, only if you exclude the "Dual-wield shotguns and rifles".
Just open weapons.xtbl with Windows Notepad/Notepad ++/some other shit, find these entries:
  • Rifle-Killshot
  • Shotgun-Police
  • Rifle-Thumpgun
  • Rifle-NG
  • Rifle-Gang
  • Rifle-Laser
And remove that line for each entry:
        <Flag>dual wieldable</Flag>
Also, if you want to restore original crosshair for these weapons, just replace <Category> line:
  • For Shotgun-Police and Rifle-Thumpgun:
  • For all other entries (yes, I mean these with Rifle in the name):
Also, why is this thread still in "Mods in Progress" when you've already released the download?
Because of missing models and sounds. ;)