Shitface & Fan of Saints' Expanded Arsenal Mod

I can cooperate with you but note that weapons.xtbl has its limit, so if we'll add too many weapons game will crash. Try to avoid useless duplicates. ;) Also, I really afraid of that limit after Enter the Dominatrix and How the Saints Saved Christmas DLCs as they will add new weapons.

Also, at the moment it seems like I'm at dead end regarding knife. I can't add anything more until SDK (except new costumes). :(
Sounds good any idea what the limit is on the weapons and that is true I hope they add some good weapons, could certain weapons be added in as like the camo's to save room in weapons table

and thats pretty gutting youv done quite alot on it so far to main thing im looking forward to about the SDK is the support that will come with it and tutorials

Ill PM you with some of the weapons im working on atm soon as I have time :D
V0.2 is out! :D I changed the name of mod to New Weapons Mod, as I added three new weapons:
  • TOGO-13,
  • TOUCHSTONE 40-CAL (two variants: single-shot and automatic),
Some bugs and notes:
  • Togo-13 uses McManus 2020 model.
  • Touchstone 40-Cal is SMG from Asha's rescue mission. It's duplicate of Heavy SMG but with different sounds. Like I wrote, it includes two variants: single-shot and automatic.
  • Suit Blaster is in "pistol" slot. Also, when you'll shoot to vehicles with it they might go through the ground.
  • Merging that version with other mods is more complicated, you'll need to use WinMerge.
Also, thanks to CommunistStalin for idea to add Togo-13 and Touchstone 40-Cal. :)
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Homies are buggy indeed, but how about these weapons could be made available at Friendly Fire?
Raport from first look:
  • Warden Pistol - duplicate of Alien SMG but it's just more powerful; not worth of adding for me,
  • Turretball and Mech Gun - buggy as hell; before even thinking about adding these ones I'll have to do some drastic changes in code,
  • Zinyak's Rocket Launcher - duplicate of Alien RPG but it's just faster, more powerful and without the model; not worth of adding,
  • Laser Eyes and Handheld VTOL Gun - buggy but look fun and after some tweaks they should be nice addition; I'll think about adding these ones,
  • Ladle and Cyber SMG - not worth of adding before preloading the model.
Me and Fan of saints are already going to be working on weapon mod toghter it will take weapons from my drive up mod and put them into stores that is the next step of the plan, aswell as new weapons that have been made by both me and Fan of Saints

and as for the bottom homies disapearing thats just what happens when you add any new entrys to table but no matter how much you add I think it wont disapear below old shaundi and it says in desc that when I bring out next version missing homies will be made back up with squads

In time im hopeing to add in a sperate table the same way vehcile delivery works so it dont take up the phone but might not be till SDK
Almost got STAG Laser working. :D

it will take weapons from my drive up mod and put them into stores that is the next step of the plan, aswell as new weapons that have been made by both me and Fan of Saints
Wait... so I'm "it"? XD But anyway, I guess that I won't be adding anything from your Drive-Up mod except Laser Eyes and STAG Laser because I'm not going to mess inventory with useless duplicates with slight changes and extremely buggy shit. ;)
hahaha no by "it" I ment the mod :P, and haha yes some of them are very buggy you should check out this forum see some of the weapons iv got on go atm :D they are all very stable ill be working on them more later when I have time, what vfx are you using on the stag laser it looks nice as hell :D