Shitface's Weapon Re-Balance Mod

I should've, but I didn't!!!! Was too late to do so anyway. Besides, I had Gentlemen of Steelport installed so I had the very outdated version of this installed..

I'm presuming the changes made in the upgrades and such become embedded in the Save game, since I was able to revert some of the upgrade losses with a Save Game editor, but I'm not sure if I touched on everything I missed or if I ended up accidentally unlocking upgrades that were disabled by default or otherwise unavailabnle
I still use this weapon rebalance mod. It's just that I dislike having certain of the upgrades (including the Cheat ones) removed. Yah, it's unrealistic and unfair to be invincible, it's also unrealistic and unfair for me to stand alone against 9000 gang members with fully automatic machine guns and rocket launchers and half a dozen Brutes
If anyone still plays SR:TT (like me :p), here's my unofficial patch for this awesome mod. Changelog:
  • Attached little flames to VTOL explosion. Also, burnt enemies now turn totally red! :mad:
  • Restored missing infinite ammo and damage upgrades.
  • You can now switch between sniper scope and normal zoom when using McManus 2015 and Togo-13.
  • Added missing strings for temporary and mission-only weapons - works only for English and Polish language.
There are still some missing strings for new upgrades. I'm working on it. Enjoy! :)

UPDATE: Removed the attachment because the new version is released. Check out the page 43.
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If anyone still plays SR:TT (like me :p), here's my unofficial patch for this awesome mod. Changelog:
  • Attached little flames to VTOL explosion. Also, burnt enemies now turns totally red! :mad:
  • Restored infinite ammo and damage upgrades.
  • Now you can switch between sniper scope and normal zoom while using McManus 2015 and Togo-13.
  • Added missing strings for temporary and mission-only weapons - works only for English and Polish language.
There are still some missing strings for new upgrades. I'm working on it. Anyway, enjoy! :)

SR TT is the best one of all four (with mods that is), why would nobody be playing this anymore ;)