love this!! any chance of getting one of the shotguns duel wielded? maybe the Gravedigger. pwease
or tell me which lines of which file to edit to make them dual? thanks
edit: also i think it's this mod or your Behavior mod, but sometimes melee damage from civilians is too much. i can stand for like 10 seconds in front of, well anything, but an old lady w/ a bat (and many times just fists) will put me near death. i thought maybe the peds had access to the Apoco-fist but if so, then the power of the bat is still much.
edit edit: sorry to add more but thought i'd report that the fall distance and damage now seems really excessive. after my followers, fell about 10-12ft and died i tried it w/ different NPCs and areas. 10-12 ft was enough to kill anybody (cept me), even Oleg and he's almost that tall lol. and i have all level 3 upgrades for all homies. heck i've personally fell 20+ ft w/ nothing but bruises, and know many that have fell like that (construction trade) and most folks won't die from that small of a fall. breaks, sprains yeah, so some damage is expected. again, hate to bother the creator, so if someone could tell me the values to edit and where to find 'em, that'd be great. thanks