Shitface's Weapon Re-Balance Mod

Does the latest update make "Saints Pow" behave like the improved apocafist (you know, knocks cars around rather than blowing them up, and can dislodge doors)?
Added version 1.7- You can now purchase upgrades for the minigun, flamethrower, GL G20, and shock hammer! I'd have added more, but I've reached the entry limit in weapon_upgrades, it seems. Here's what the upgrades do (as of 1.8):

Shock hammer:
Lvl2: Explosions electrocute npcs, slightly larger radius.

GL G20:
Lvl2, 3 & 4: Increased magazine capacity and range.

Lv2 & 3: Increased range and damage.

Lv2 & 3: Slightly increased damage, decreased bullet spread, increased magazine capacity.

Sonic Boom:
Lv2: Increased range, decreased charge time and re-fire time.
Is it possible to mod the mini gun so it can be used while riding as a passenger in a vehicle? (It would make riding shotgun a lot more fun with a mini gun ;) .)
Hey awesome desription of the mod ive seen videos of this mod but when i install and run the game it crashes ive installed heaps of your mods though? and i dont know what happend please reply fast thanks