Ever got tired of my endless updates? Too bad, here's V3.1! 

- Cypher has Ultor icon in the phone menu. This way you won't know how she looks until you call her. I decided to leave original face icon when she spawns though.
- Icons for Gangstas in Space homies have smaller helmets. They don't look so disproportionate anymore.
- Blowup doll and Pimp Slap have new icons. We finally replaced all recycled icons with new ones!
- Reworked upgrades for AR-55. It now has sniper scope at second level which gets upgraded at fourth one. I also updated strings for these upgrades so they're consistent with the changes.
- Reworked upgrades for Viper laser rifle. I changed field of view values for sniper scope and it gets upgraded at fourth level, just like AR-55. I also fixed bug which made the camera go upwards instantly when you started shooting in scope mode.
- Added Dutch files for next update. That's right, Dutch translation is coming! VSkyRimWalker agreed to translate this mod to Dutch, expect it in few weeks or earlier.
- Updated the uninstaller. All new files have been added to the list.