Shrink HUD? or move closer to edges of screen

I'm playing at 1600 x 1200 (the size of my monitor) and it bugs me how close to the middle of the screen the HUD is considering how much space they take up. not just the HUD but anytime an "important" message regarding a mission pops up it obscures 30% of my fov - I have the hidden cheat enabler that lets you remove the HUD altogether, but I can only use it when taking screenshots with fraps, if I have nohud enabled I cant get in or out of vehicles, etc what I would love is if there were a mod that either reduces the size of the HUD by 25-40% (and the messages too) or moves the HUD items closer to the corner of the screen. I realize this isnt a universal solution for all resolutions, but I figured I would out it out there in case anyone else has the same problem


  • saintsrowthethird-2012-01-25-22-34-41-58.jpg
    554.6 KB · Views: 548
yah, I was about to dig up my old mod request for a smaller font to make an amendment request but saw yours and will just post here.

I think that is a great idea.
My Font reduction request has been obviated for my needs by the NOHUD cheat I use now, as you mention. It works for situations when I like to hide the HUD.
But, it sure would be great to still have the HUD, yet have it smaller, at least the most annoying , yet useful, elements to be smaller. The aiming
reticle, IMO , is fine. That Map, the other big 'info circles' , for lack of a better term, could be cut by 50 percent IMO.
Map, I mean the mini map that is always up. .. Or leave it alone and make other elements a lot smaller.

Barring that, maybe just a way to remove some elements yet leave the aiming retical up and the homey status circles at top right up.

I suspect it would be rough to do though, I'm pretty sure a simple xtbl tweak can't do anything we want. It would require
access to game textures and a way to modify and load new ones.
SOme hope may be for us though as I read in some recent new threads some tools have arrived from some hero that could get the job done, by
someone having more skillz than I have.

Oh, you will be glad to know I shoot on sight anyone holding a sign in the game that diss's Shaundi. Either that or run them over, and pity
the fools standing around acting all innocent.
sweet! glad to know I am not the only one that finds the HUD annoying. I guess if you are playing on a widescreen monitor it's not so bad, but at 1600 x 1200 it does get annoying when 40% of the screen is covered and you're in the middle of some batshit crazy action
The hud size and the press e prompts in the middle of the screen could be a lot smaller.
I didn't like the survival phone rings ether in the middle of fighting,i was able to shorten those to about half.

