SPOILERS So even in the end...(Light spoilers)

The end was still better than Mass Effect 3's.

Overall the game is relatively solid and plays well on its mechanics.

Overall I can't say anything particularly bad about SRIV. Only thing I might particularly have some issues with are the way they kinda padded out the non critical path with pretty much every activity on the map. I played through each rescued crew mate's missions before moving on to the next crewmate or critical path choice...theres one point towards the very end after Kinzies loyalty mission where you get told to go see Matt Miller and the short context description actually says "Yeah we're padding out the game play" then you go talk to Matt and he gives you a line that he gave you earlier during one of his go do five activities missions, then the game actually lets you get back on the critical path without you having to do that...which I found kind of hilarious in and of itself.

But overall I'm 90% (100% done with anything related to critical and secondary paths) done with SRIV, which I believe is about as done as you can be without doing multiplayer activities (or perhaps finding that last annoying Zinyak statue or the last couple entries to his text adventures...I have 6 of them.).

So mostly while I can go back and do any of the activities at any time.....theres no real impetus to do so...I already did all of them, there aren't any that were held over outside the secondary mission path, so if you're a mission completionist like me, you end up with nothing left to do but hunt for collectibles. And other than a couple of Zinyak text adventures and one statue I think I've literally found everything.

Also I think Death From Above should have come far earlier in the critical mission path, also its general damage impulse from maximum jump height velocity is kinda weaksauce compared to simply using stomp in something of the same manner. The only way to get any bang for your buck out of DFA is to literally nose dive off a tall building with it...and while I don't think I should be able to nuke a city block just from max jump height...I kinda feel like DFA is total weak sauce from max jump height as compared to simply using a power you gain much earlier.

Also since we're mostly just joyriding around in a simulation now since...thats pretty much the deal til whenever we get to see the Saints again, we've got a couple of "computer wizards" onboard in the form of Matt and Kinzie, you'd think they'd be able to stablize the simulation a little more and remove some of the more visually grating digitization artifacts that are used to visually indicate that its a simulator. I mean...we're stuck on the NebuchaNormandy for god knows how long now....obviously the simulator is going to get a lot of use as its the only place to go to do anything remotely entertaining...perhaps Kinzie can fix the simulation so it stops the texture normal offsetting on buildings and removes the pixel blur on nearby random objects?

Overall hilariously fun...in pretty much all aspects. All I can say is I'm damn sorry it'll take another three to five years to perhaps see the Saints in action in a full featured title again. Still though....not a bad 20 hours overall. The game definitely wasn't "glorified DLC" as some were describing it...though I felt like...in some places, it could have been more.

Anyways I'm looking forward to how Voilition moves into the next phase for the Saints, since they already showed their hole card at the end and invoked time travel, obviously the entirety of SRIV can be wiped out entirely by the Saints if they decide to and the Zin Empire will never conquer Earth if thats what they want, so they have a clean ticket to get the Saints back on solid ground post SRIV of course.....though I'll definitely miss my super powers.
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DFA and Stomp should of just been the same thing, pointless to be separate since they SHOULD do the same thing. I would think DFA would be much more powerful then Super Stomp given the momentum but what do I know :p
ooh. next saints game should have multiple open worlds!
think of the possibilities!!!!!!!!!!!!
ronin causing mayhem in feudal japan, brotherhood in 1970s steelport, deckers in a futuristic brittain! ahhh the ending opened up a whole new world for the saints!
(this BETTER NOT BE THE LAST GAME WITH THE SAINTS AS THEY ARE VOLITION. there are sooooo much more parodies, references, jokes, and gameplay to be had from them!!)
The game was awesome but also felt, empty without poor Oleg and(can't belive I'm saying this), Josh Birk.
The end was still better than Mass Effect 3's.

Overall the game is relatively solid and plays well on its mechanics.

Overall I can't say anything particularly bad about SRIV. Only thing I might particularly have some issues with are the way they kinda padded out the non critical path with pretty much every activity on the map. I played through each rescued crew mate's missions before moving on to the next crewmate or critical path choice...theres one point towards the very end after Kinzies loyalty mission where you get told to go see Matt Miller and the short context description actually says "Yeah we're padding out the game play" then you go talk to Matt and he gives you a line that he gave you earlier during one of his go do five activities missions, then the game actually lets you get back on the critical path without you having to do that...which I found kind of hilarious in and of itself.

But overall I'm 90% (100% done with anything related to critical and secondary paths) done with SRIV, which I believe is about as done as you can be without doing multiplayer activities (or perhaps finding that last annoying Zinyak statue or the last couple entries to his text adventures...I have 6 of them.).

So mostly while I can go back and do any of the activities at any time.....theres no real impetus to do so...I already did all of them, there aren't any that were held over outside the secondary mission path, so if you're a mission completionist like me, you end up with nothing left to do but hunt for collectibles. And other than a couple of Zinyak text adventures and one statue I think I've literally found everything.

Also I think Death From Above should have come far earlier in the critical mission path, also its general damage impulse from maximum jump height velocity is kinda weaksauce compared to simply using stomp in something of the same manner. The only way to get any bang for your buck out of DFA is to literally nose dive off a tall building with it...and while I don't think I should be able to nuke a city block just from max jump height...I kinda feel like DFA is total weak sauce from max jump height as compared to simply using a power you gain much earlier.

Also since we're mostly just joyriding around in a simulation now since...thats pretty much the deal til whenever we get to see the Saints again, we've got a couple of "computer wizards" onboard in the form of Matt and Kinzie, you'd think they'd be able to stablize the simulation a little more and remove some of the more visually grating digitization artifacts that are used to visually indicate that its a simulator. I mean...we're stuck on the NebuchaNormandy for god knows how long now....obviously the simulator is going to get a lot of use as its the only place to go to do anything remotely entertaining...perhaps Kinzie can fix the simulation so it stops the texture normal offsetting on buildings and removes the pixel blur on nearby random objects?

Overall hilariously fun...in pretty much all aspects. All I can say is I'm damn sorry it'll take another three to five years to perhaps see the Saints in action in a full featured title again. Still though....not a bad 20 hours overall. The game definitely wasn't "glorified DLC" as some were describing it...though I felt like...in some places, it could have been more.

Anyways I'm looking forward to how Voilition moves into the next phase for the Saints, since they already showed their hole card at the end and invoked time travel, obviously the entirety of SRIV can be wiped out entirely by the Saints if they decide to and the Zin Empire will never conquer Earth if thats what they want, so they have a clean ticket to get the Saints back on solid ground post SRIV of course.....though I'll definitely miss my super powers.

so you waited all these years for the new Saints Row, rushed through it in 20 hours and now you're waiting for the next?

I had MONTHS of fun with all of the saints row and GTA's, I think you're doing it wrong :( Feel bad for people like you, no offense
so you waited all these years for the new Saints Row, rushed through it in 20 hours and now you're waiting for the next?

I had MONTHS of fun with all of the saints row and GTA's, I think you're doing it wrong :( Feel bad for people like you, no offense
semipro has valid complaints though, most of which wouldn't be solved simply by "taking your time" with it. And I don't think its necessarily rushing, rather many people (me included) just like to marathon a game essentially on release. Its not a matter of wanting to just get it over with, rather a desire to play the game to such an extent that we play it through quickly that first time. I did that for both 2 and 3, both which I still enjoyed afterwards whether that was doing random activities, repeat playthroughs, or generally screwing around.
With IV, while I do think quite highly of the game, after you finish it especially after having done all the homie stuff before the ending, there is little of interest to do afterwards. All the activities, stores, etc... are already done since they were bundled into sidequests, most of the challenges are just a grind. For example I did the (travel 250million ft in an alien vehicle) yesterday, which consisted of me rubberbanding an xbox controller's analog stick so I was just flying around in circles in the sky, and leaving my comp to just do chores/errands. And it still took 5 hours to complete. And then the possibility to just screw around in IV is sort of nerfed by the way in which notoriety works now. It rises way to fast, and wardens sort of completely kill the possibility of having mass chaos in longer runs like you could do in 2/3. Its, kill a bunch of stuff, then warden causing a forced reset.