SR3 minigun

Did you try 'Merica gun? ;)

Not everyone pre-order but i'm sure it will come out as a DLC later. but even if he didn't Pre-order [Spoiler don't read ahead unless if you don't mind Spoilers]
there is still the Murderbot Minigun you get from SR2 Sanduire Whom i like to Call Dreadlocks hippe. after doing a few actives of couse...Side quests i mean
Yes, you're right Muderbot Minigun works like the brute minigun, but can anyone upgrade it with exploding bullets from the upgrades of gang pistol?
Yes, you're right Muderbot Minigun works like the brute minigun, but can anyone upgrade it with exploding bullets from the upgrades of gang pistol?
Add a this to your weapon_upgrades.xtbl at the bottom (do a search for <name>ultimate and you'll be in the right area).

<Weapon_Upgrade><Name>Ultimate - Explosive Ammo</Name><W_Info>Murderbot_Mini-Unlockable</W_Info><upgrade_description>CUST_WPN_UPGRADE_ULT_DESC_XPLOSIVE_AMMO</upgrade_description><upgrade_display_name>CUST_WPN_UPGRADE_ULT_NAME_XPLOSIVE_AMMO</upgrade_display_name><Upgrade_Prices>0<Price>100000</Price></Upgrade_Prices><Flags><Grid><Value><ignore>ignored</ignore><Flags><Flag>applies to primary</Flag></Flags></Value></Grid><Override>OM_REPLACE</Override></Flags><End_Point_Explosion><Grid><Value>Ammo - Explosive</Value></Grid><Override>OM_REPLACE</Override></End_Point_Explosion><_Editor><Category>Entries:Pistols:Gang Pistol</Category></_Editor><Ultimate>True</Ultimate></Weapon_Upgrade>

That should give the murder bot minigun in the special section an explosive round upgrade for a even price of $100,000...