SR3 Save Editor C

The garage editor works perfectly with all my saves and the DLC vehicles, including the ones mentioned above. Fan of Saints, you are using the Steam version of the game, right?
Uh... What? I heard non-Steam versions of SR3 is pirate versions. You suggest I am pirate? o_O To simply explain: NO!!! I AM DO NOT A ONE OF THAT IDIOTS!!! ;)
Uh... What? I heard non-Steam versions of SR3 is pirate versions. You suggest I am pirate? o_O To simply explain: NO!!! I AM DO NOT A ONE OF THAT IDIOTS!!! ;)

I'm not suggesting anything. I was simply getting that piece of troubleshooting out of the way first. You wouldn't want us to waste our time if the problem wasn't actually because of the app itself, right? :)
Could you attach your save file to that post, please? I don't have that DLC and have no idea how those would differ from normal vehicles. I'm pretty sure i didn't have trouble editing with the save file Las0mbra sent me earlier, which had the Ultor Intercepter DLC vehicle in it.

I've also added a warning right under the Instructions header that you should always back up save files. Thank you for reminding me, and for being smart enough to do it without being reminded yourself. Whew!
This is link to my original non-edited save: . After edit it with your Save Editor my Special Ops vehicles disappeared. When I open that non-edited save in your Garage Manager they do not were on list.
Now I am 100% sure that the Special Ops DLC Vehicles disappeared on account of your Save Editor. I loaded my original save in your Save Editor and saved without changing anything and my Special Ops DLC Vehicles disappeared from my garage. So please, fix it.
Could you attach your save file to that post, please? I don't have that DLC and have no idea how those would differ from normal vehicles. I'm pretty sure i didn't have trouble editing with the save file Las0mbra sent me earlier, which had the Ultor Intercepter DLC vehicle in it.

I've also added a warning right under the Instructions header that you should always back up save files. Thank you for reminding me, and for being smart enough to do it without being reminded yourself. Whew!
I always making backups of my files! :D Every good modder should make backups of files, what he editing.
I'm not suggesting anything. I was simply getting that piece of troubleshooting out of the way first. You wouldn't want us to waste our time if the problem wasn't actually because of the app itself, right? :)
You mean the first part of "troubleshooting" is verity are you pirate or not? I think if somebody is pirate, there are not any part of "troubleshooting" after that (not including a permanent ban :p). (of course, I am do not that "somebody", so do not suggest anything ;) )
The problem appears to be that the vehicle limit is actually higher than it seemed to be when i was testing how many vehicles i could store. I'll have a new version out soon that fixes that, and possibly other things.

edit: Update posted.

· Changed the maximum number of garage slots from 92 to 97.
· Fixed the wrong index being used for vehicles, which would mess with both rearranging and exporting vehicles.
· Fixed the "Aircraft" filter not working, and renamed it.
Thanks for the quick update Corrodias! ;)
I've already used the tool to deactivate several gang missions to give back some turf. Helped immensely with a few of the assassination missions that required the gangs to actually be present in areas I already controlled.
Thanks for the quick update Corrodias! ;)
I've already used the tool to deactivate several gang missions to give back some turf. Helped immensely with a few of the assassination missions that required the gangs to actually be present in areas I already controlled.

I love that feature more than anything. It was always a huge sticking point with me about SR2 (and SRTT) that the gangs were gone post-game and you could only fight the cops. I spent months trying to figure out a way to bring gang spawning back in SR2, with no luck.
As for the garage manager, I'd like to request adding an information about vehicle variants. Also, the distinction between N-Forcer with a gun and the one without it. The reason is, I had like ~8 N-Forcers of various variants and all of them were named the same. In the update it would look like this:
