Adding new hairstyles on top of the existing ones would have been ideal. Unfortunately there is not a way to add hairstyles or items into SR3 with my skill level so items/hairstyles are replaced as of this time. Failed attempts had been made (asm editing). Evidence from research prove impossibility.
It should be possible. You will just need to update the customization_items.asm_pc. I would use this:
As for the strings file, that would be a lot more work, so you would "have" to choose between his and mine. The results are that some item names on display will be off. I would go with the TTDIS version of the strings to be safe. That is: customize_us.le_strings.
Step 2- Move all files (except Readme and Image) into main game libary...
...C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Saints Row the Third
Step 3- Launch Saints Row the Third game
Step 4- Go to "Image as Designed" and browse for hairstyles
19/08/2018 V1: 5 more hairstyles replaced
25/08/2018 V2: 12 more hairstyles replaced
08/09/2018 V3: 1 more hairstyle replaced
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