SR4 Re-Elected: The Pentagon Patch V1.1

Can't set controls at all with this installed. Literally no key on my board or G600 works with any setting in any mode.

The default settings don't have buttons to select powers. Now I'm 5 hours into a playthrough and can't use powers. Guess I'm uninstalling this for the last time.
Can't set controls at all with this installed. Literally no key on my board or G600 works with any setting in any mode.

The default settings don't have buttons to select powers. Now I'm 5 hours into a playthrough and can't use powers. Guess I'm uninstalling this for the last time.
Reset all key bindings before setting your own. Options - Controls - Set Keys and Buttons
Exuse me but i puted the sandbox+ and i removed it duo the power buttons wont work but after removing it the button stills the same and everytime i set them to f1-f4 they wont show up or the box stays empty in the seting what should i do and the restore deafults all categories wont work neither it still makes the power selection boxs wont work
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Crashes at the beginning Friendly Fire mission when selecting to buy guns...

Edit: I think I figured it out. The "weapons_skin" file is in order ABOVE the "weapons"... I bought the game through Xbox Gamepass, like an idiot. Now, I cannot make a custom load order in my root file. T_T
Edit2: So I just decided to rename the mods with extra _'s (underscores) to make the order in the root folder the same as the order in the archived mod. It fixed the crashing problem when shopping at Friendly Fire, but I only noticed a few mods in game.
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Is anyone else getting a crash if they use a gateway weapon cache. I get one when i try to select my weapons.

And btw thanks for crating this patch because this is the first saints row game i have played and yeah.
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Is anyone else getting a crash if they use a gateway weapon cache. I get one when i try to select my weapons.

And btw thanks for crating this patch because this is the first saints row game i have played and yeah.
I will soon figure out which mods in this compilation actually work. I'm thinking the "weapons.xtbl" and "weapon_skin.xtbl" are no longer functioning and causing crashes.
I have been told by some mod creators that Saint's Row 4: Re-Elected version doesn't like being modded.
As far as I can see it duplicates some settings from xtbl in some other places. And some skills are removed completely, like Bullet Proof 4 and Car Damage 4. Adding them back to xtbl has no effect.
Oh no... Then I shouldn't continue trying to mod this game, in vain. :/
Too bad, I probably won't buy it again.
Thank you for your sacrifice and your time. You're a hero.
Guess it's back to Skyrim with me.