The final title should be Part Four or Saints Row III,5Saints Row "Part Four"
The final title should be Part Four or Saints Row III,5Saints Row "Part Four"
Or maybe volition are just getting everything to do with saints row out of the way so they don't come bacck to haunt them 10 years after the conclusion to the series. i think your right anyway.I wonder why Volition is releasing all of this concept art of the SR Franchise all of a sudden. (For example Undercover, the canceled SR2 Movie, what SR3 and SR4 were supposed to be etc.) To me it seems a tad bit odd to release all that info AND reboot the series only to announce a game that only has a few references to the main SR series. In my opinion this, the cross-promotion with No Goblin and AOM screams of viral marketing. Than again I could be completely wrong.
As I stated before it would be one thing if Volition and THQ kept ETD as it was supposed to be, but instead they decided to turn it into SR4. It would be like if Rockstar called Manhunt, Red Dead Redemption or Bully "GTA 4", "GTA 5" and "GTA 6" respectively. Sure Manhunt takes place in the same world as GTA, and sure you can describe RDR as Grand Theft Horse, or Bully as a high school beat-em up version of GTA, but Rockstar knew if they labled those games as "GTA" it would end up screwing with the franchise and would alienate fans. Let's also look at Ubisoft. What do you think would happen if Blood Dragon and Primal were labled as "Far Cry 5 and 6" again, it would screw with the franchise and would needlessly anger fans. This is the same reason why the COD community tore BLOPS 3 and Infinite Warfare a new one, or why MGS fans were disgusted with Metal Gear Survive.The problem is that they obviously just tried to outdo each previous game in terms of craziness and 'humor' and it ended up shite. At some point there's nowhere left to go.