SRIV Nexus?

I just went to the nexus site for Skyrim mods, and I saw they made a section for SRIV.

Now I love using nexus, its easy to navigate and its easy to use. Think this site and nexus can compliment? Will it compete? Or do you think nexus will flop for SRIV?

But then again we prob need the full source release from Volition before mass amounts of mods are made.
I just went to the nexus site for Skyrim mods, and I saw they made a section for SRIV.

Now I love using nexus, its easy to navigate and its easy to use. Think this site and nexus can compliment? Will it compete? Or do you think nexus will flop for SRIV?

But then again we prob need the full source release from Volition before mass amounts of mods are made.

Those in charge of The Nexus did not create SRIV Nexus - some random modder did. Let me explain.

(Quote) Perhaps more exciting is the fact we have updated our file upload wizard and now accept files for any and all games on the PC platform. As part of my wish to support modding in totality I wanted to open up the Nexus so it could be used by all mod authors out there, irrespective of whether we support the game currently or not. As a mod author it’s actually extremely simple to add a file for a game we don’t currently support and there’s very little extra work involved. The process is as follows:

  • Go to our file upload wizard on
  • The very first step, Step 1, is where you choose what game your file is for
  • If the game already exists simply select it from the drop-down menu
  • If the game does not exist enter the name of the game
  • Continue with the file upload wizard as per before
The game addition phase is a manual one which requires an administrator to confirm the submittal of your suggested game to the database. This means until an administrator confirms your game suggestion your file won’t be visible on the sites. While adding this bottleneck is a bit counter to how we’ve done things up until now I’m sure you’ll agree it could become an organisational nightmare if the game adding process was automatic. It’s simply there to allow me time to add the game box art and ensure that people haven’t uploaded different files for the same game under different names, e.g. C&C3, Command & Conquer 3, Command And Conquer 3, CNC3 and so on. In such an event I can merge all the files in all those games under one name and ensure everything isn’t a mess before publishing the game on the network. However, you can still create your entire file page including uploading your images and files and submit your file so that as soon as the game is approved by an admin it will be instantly published along with the site. That means you don’t have to suggest a game, wait for it to be approved, and then submit your file. You do it all at once and then simply wait for me to approve the game, at which point your file will become available. (/Quote)

As you can see, anyone can add any game to the Nexus now. So technically it could not be considered a modding site (that would imply a community of people modding the game, which is not happening on the SRIV Nexus). It's just a computer generated website made because one guy/girl decided he wanted to upload his SRIV mod on the Nexus.

I doubt there will be comptetion.
Yeah it was done by me, I was asked on the Nexus authors board to do it. It's not competition but an alternate host, something I've learned from the 100's (maybe 1000's) of Morrowind mods that have been lost over the years is you don't put all your eggs in one basket.
I'm pretty excited. I've always been more of a Elder Scrolls/fallout modder so I've spent many of hour over at the Nexus. I really think the more people are aware of SR mods the better. Also, Nexus isn't really the same as SR mods. You really will never have the open community we have on here. Minimaul, Idol and the Volition staff really make this forum one of a kind among modding sites. Someday, I'd love to see a steam workshop for SR, but I'm not sure it'd work with how mods are done in SR. Almost need an auto merger.