SRIV Nexus?

I do think it's appropriate to address in this thread, so nobody ever confuses the two. However, i don't know the details, so i'd best leave it to one of you folks to explain.

As an aside, that's cool that Nexus will host mods for pretty much any game now.
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I just went to the nexus site for Skyrim mods, and I saw they made a section for SRIV.

Now I love using nexus, its easy to navigate and its easy to use. Think this site and nexus can compliment? Will it compete? Or do you think nexus will flop for SRIV?

But then again we prob need the full source release from Volition before mass amounts of mods are made.
The Nexus website and Nexus mod manager (NMM) work great for the TES games (Oblivion, Skyrim) and Fallout 3 / New Vegas. NMM will tell you if a mod overwrites another mod's files and if there are updates (and allow you to update within the mod manager). It would be great if NMM eventually supported all games that Nexus supports (it currently only supports a limited number of games).

The Nexus website is great for those searching for mods - it allows mod tracking, can rank by endorsements, downloads and can sort by mod categories. So, overall I think this is a good thing. It's good to have more download options for mods.
I have nothing against Nexus Mods hosting mods for all games - I don't see a community developing around it unless it's one they explicitly choose to support though.

I'm not about to stop running this site just yet anyway. ;)
LOL!!! Yeah, apart from the times when you can't do shit because of massive overload, like... ALWAYS?! :D

The problem was NMM, it was ddosing the site with the huge number of requests it was making.

Indeed, as far as I'm aware the Nexus has never hurt any other community by taking people away from it.
LOL!!! Yeah, apart from the times when you can't do shit because of massive overload, like... ALWAYS?! :D
Happens rarely in my experience (may be a time zone thing, though). Last overload I've heard of was when Falskaar (huge Skyrim new lands mod) was released a few months back.
The mod manager is a very usefull tool but it would not be very effective for us other than file sorting. TES games have very loose file setups built on overrides and file mergers and saints row is custom compiled file hell. However, the Gentemen mod compilations are basically mod managers of the most popular mods just set up up to be compiled. I could see maybe one day a supported downloader and compiler just for SR, probably would be called the Gentleman's Mod Manager too.
As noted, Bethesda Engine games (from Morrowind, including FO3 and NV, and up to Skyrim) use a loose file system, which is easily extendable. That is a virtue. Sometimes you can have collisions, particularly when multiple mods want to edit the levelled lists or such, and there's tools to help merge/sort automatically. However SR2/3/4 isn't quite there, and you can't just drop in new files and have the game load them automatically. That's probably the biggest problem with using NMM. There can be a nexus, but sadly a lot of it will end up being "this mod won't work with X can you PLZZ make it work" and "how do u install this pos wtf?!?!?!?!?! HALP!!!!1!!" since it's even harder to have additional content together than the other mods through the manager. (no idea on world of tanks tho)

At most it'll probably be a distribution site, with maybe a few people struggling to stay JUST there without bothering with Saints Row Mods in turn, and the actual modding and discussions will be here. After all, can Nexus claim they have Volition themselves reading/posting? ;) (Answer may be yes, but unofficially at best likely)
So to review what's going on:

Saints Row IV Nexus is a backup site that jim_uk (in basic terms) requested be made - it's not run by the Nexus (or anyone really), it's merely hosted by them as part of their super-duper plan to host mods for all PC games. as Minimaul said:

I don't see a community developing around it unless it's one they explicitly choose to support though.

There is no community at Saints Row Nexus - there is nobody supporting it or running it. It's just there because Jim_UK thought it might be a good idea not to have his mod/mods all in one place. There's no point in talking about whether or not you prefer this site or the SRIV Nexus because there is no competition.

However, you can feel free to continue talking about this subject, because that's what the internet is for. :)
So to review what's going on:

Saints Row IV Nexus is a backup site that jim_uk (in basic terms) requested be made - it's not run by the Nexus (or anyone really), it's merely hosted by them as part of their super-duper plan to host mods for all PC games. as Minimaul said:

There is no community at Saints Row Nexus - there is nobody supporting it or running it. It's just there because Jim_UK thought it might be a good idea not to have his mod/mods all in one place. There's no point in talking about whether or not you prefer this site or the SRIV Nexus because there is no competition.

However, you can feel free to continue talking about this subject, because that's what the internet is for. :)

I realize my post seemed as if I felt it were an active competition, which just for clarification's sake, I don't, because of what you already stated. Was just putting in my two cents on it, but I'm just going to delete the post anyway so no one takes it the wrong way. No offense meant to anyone if they took it as such, and seriously sorry if so. But I'm out, was just clarifying that for anyone who seen the post prior.