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How did you do that?
I would like to have my Olav in GTA too, but I'm so bad at modding (I can barely mod Skyrim, The Sims 2 and Sonic Adventure)
Dig this crazy glitch..
I was holding the Decker's sword & when I picked up the hammer they morphed into one working weapon.

* I just wish the hammer would have lasted longer & you could use the blade end ~ That would be EPIC !!!

Someone should make a mod for this weapon. How cool would it be if you could spin it around to use the blade on individuals & the hammer on group targets ~;?
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View attachment 9919 Dig this crazy glitch..
I was holding the Decker's sword & when I picked up the hammer they morphed into one working weapon.

* I just wish the hammer would have lasted longer & you could use the blade end ~ That would be EPIC !!!

Someone should make a mod for this weapon. How cool would it be if you could spin it around to use the blade on individuals & the hammer on group targets ~;?

* This is a recreatable glitch.. It has happened many times now.. I just wish I could use the bade like a scythe ~;)
He said he was trying to make SR look as real as GTAV. Doing pretty well so far. I feel like it would be better in SRTT though, because the environment in SRIV is too alieny to look realistic.