I was thinking that your character must have looked funny in cutscenes like the ones in the following video, but then remembered that even Wolverine from X-Men was shown to be working for the military or whatever. And he even got his adamantium coated claws when "on the job" (Edit: He was kidnapped apparently, according to this page - https://www.marvel.com/teams-and-groups/weapon-x . So it wasn't "on the job" after all.Here's my dude. (2nd pic is his actual Face i started with).

And I did not make any changes to my custom character's face other than make up and maybe hair color after I posted in this thread - https://www.saintsrowmods.com/forum/threads/i-hate-the-new-character-editor.19743/post-130070 . But she still looks different-different always.

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