STAG: Back in Action

I loved Saints Row 4, but I also really loved STAG as a villain in Saints Row 3. So I decided to redo the characters and notoriety levels so that you'll be seeing STAG in place of MOST of the Zin.

- Should replace almost all Zin Grunts
- Specialists are now Stag Commandos
- Vehicles are replaced accordingly. I could not get a picture of the Specter in action, but its there I promise you.

STAG in Action Version 3: This gets rid of all of the Marauders and ups the number of soldiers in its place. You'll now have to face off with shorter spawn times and more tanks and jets. STAG is back, and they are angry. Fixed air traffic, you will now be destroyed by a squadron of STAG's finest.










You'll see VTOL's swoop in instead of UFO's, Specters with armed soldiers, and a few others little things. I tried to make this as functional as possible.

This is just Version 1, if you find any bugs, please report! I hope at some point we can add even more fun little features.

EDIT: Posted a modified xtbl to get rid of the broken Specters.
I loved Saints Row 4, but I also really loved STAG as a villain in Saints Row 3. So I decided to redo the characters and notoriety levels so that you'll be seeing STAG in place of MOST of the Zin.

- Should replace almost all Zin Grunts
- Specialists are now Stag Commandos
- Vehicles are replaced accordingly. I could not get a picture of the Specter in action, but its there I promise you.

STAG in Action Version 3: This gets rid of all of the Marauders and ups the number of soldiers in its place. You'll now have to face off with shorter spawn times and more tanks and jets. STAG is back, and they are angry. Fixed air traffic, you will now be destroyed by a squadron of STAG's finest.










You'll see VTOL's swoop in instead of UFO's, Specters with armed soldiers, and a few others little things. I tried to make this as functional as possible.

This is just Version 1, if you find any bugs, please report! I hope at some point we can add even more fun little features.

EDIT: Posted a modified xtbl to get rid of the broken Specters.
What About a powerful Cyrus with powers Spawn instead of that big ass Robot?? or maybe a cyrus with a big gun??
What an awesome mod...Thanks for putting the time in to make this. I've JUST started playing it, and have been pleasantly surprised. I was only a very short bit into a new game when I installed this...then I had questions.

1) Will we see STAG forces attacking the 'Crib House'? (White House)
2) I was in the midst of doing some of the VP's challenges on my current play...I was doing the one to steal a vehicle. It was an UFO. Will you be changing the Zin UFO's out to be STAG VTOL's during those missions? (Meaning will we now get to steal a VTOL?)
3) In previous plays I recall being at about the point in game I am just seemed like I had fought more Warden's. Has the spawns for Warden's been altered by this mod?

Seriously, THANKS so much for sharing this mod. STAG should never have been left out of SR4. They were just way to prevalent, and their whole story unresolved, depending on your choice of endings in SRTT, to be written out of SR4. So thanks much!!! :-)
I like the touch of this mod. Makes me feel like an antagonist supervillian and STAG was called in to put an end to my destruction!

So in short, I love this mod...
I like the idea but is it a reskin or can i get a vtol and have it actually be a vtol
It's a real VTOL. The only STAG vehicle which was removed between 3 and 4 was the Condor. Everything else exits within the game's resources, even the uniques like Cyrus' VTOL and the Prototype Tank. The Specter (the jet-bike) is there as well, though unfortunately it has some serious model and weapon issues that have to be corrected via modification.
It's a real VTOL. The only STAG vehicle which was removed between 3 and 4 was the Condor. Everything else exits within the game's resources, even the uniques like Cyrus' VTOL and the Prototype Tank. The Specter (the jet-bike) is there as well, though unfortunately it has some serious model and weapon issues that have to be corrected via modification.
Wouldn't it be possible to do the Stag weapons now since the SDK is out?
If this means no More Wardens, I'm down with it. I have a hard time deciding who's more Annoying, the Wardens or the Decker Specialists -
(the Girls on Rollerblades) from SR3.