Steelport Gangs DLC fixes - now with earring morph fix!

Opening Post, or Opening Poster, meaning the first post of the thread or the person who started it, depending on context.

I always thought it was "Original Post" but those work too.
Will you log onto my account and do it for am username BOWE_MAN password <removed>

Admin edit: don't post your forum password publicly.
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What? Of course not. Go to the beginning of the thread. Read the first post. Download the file at the bottom of that post. Read the instructions inside, if the first post doesn't already explain how to install it. Not only is it (nearly) impossible for anyone else to do this on your computer for you, but also you should be perfectly capable of doing so if you can so much as feed yourself.
Will you log onto my account and do it for am username BOWE_MAN password <removed>

Admin edit: don't post your forum password publicly.
Cough* NOOB *Cough. Cough* No Offense *Cough