Super Bounce Rifle

So this is my first mod ever, like first time doing ANYTHING other then downloading mods other people made.

While trying to teach myself how to do this stuff I ended up making a Super Bounce Rifle, which I found to be pretty fun.

What it does so far is changes the Bounce Rifle into an SMG, adding it to the SMG slot.

-Faster fire rate
-More bounces
-Faster projectiles
-More range
-More knockback
-Can duel wield

Here is a Gif showing what it does:

SBR 2.gif

And thats about it. My very first mod. Hope people give it a try and have fun with it.


  • Super_Bounce_Rifle.rar
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For some reason after installing this mod my black hole launcher is always "charging", although I have infinite ammo.
Iv had this glitch wth the Loud Locust, no idea how to fix but to get it working if you cant use it at all try switching to another weapon then back again it seemed to cool down my Locust for a bit
For some reason after installing this mod my black hole launcher is always "charging", although I have infinite ammo.

I got the same problem, I don't remember if it's in this mod but there were some values at 0, and I put them at 1 instead.

In weapon_upgrades.xtbl :
      <Name>Rate of Fire</Name>

Maybe there is also in weapons.xtbl, but I don't find it.
any chance you could make a bounce rifle mk2 ? where it fires like a basic bounce rifle but you use the homing thing from the rocket launcher so you can make it bounce in that direction