Super homie outfits or Replace player character with NPC mesh

I know there are a few threads about this already, but now that the mod tools are available (and a mesh editor that has been around for a while believe?) is there any chance of a super Kinzie outfit ever being made?

I know in the FAQs it says not to ask for NPC outfits, so I'll extend the question by asking if there's any chance of the super Kinzie model/mesh replacing my character completely?

Great game by the way, I'm really enjoying it. My only grumble so far is Volition not releasing the super homie costumes built in or as DLC. I can play as a caveman or a robo-dinosaur with a massive extending neck, yet the super homie costumes which are the coolest and most lore-friendly (if that even applies here!) are unavailable.
I know there are a few threads about this already, but now that the mod tools are available (and a mesh editor that has been around for a while believe?) is there any chance of a super Kinzie outfit ever being made?

I know in the FAQs it says not to ask for NPC outfits, so I'll extend the question by asking if there's any chance of the super Kinzie model/mesh replacing my character completely?

Great game by the way, I'm really enjoying it. My only grumble so far is Volition not releasing the super homie costumes built in or as DLC. I can play as a caveman or a robo-dinosaur with a massive extending neck, yet the super homie costumes which are the coolest and most lore-friendly (if that even applies here!) are unavailable.

You are still a little early. The first release of the mod tools are available but that only allows you to modify weapons. And I am aware of a mesh viewer ;) but not of an editor. So the community is still waiting for the second release of mod tools, that is the one that will allow modifying NPCs and clothing.