SuperUI for other games: SR2 | SRTT Classic | SRIV | SRGOOH
SuperUI for SR2 v2.9 (July 22, 2021)
Created by nclok1405
Download: SuperUI_for_SR2_v2.9.7z
NOTE: This mod is for the original release (2009) version of Saints Row 2. It probably won't work correctly with the upcoming Saints Row 2 re-release. (You'll likely get a warning dialog if you attempt to run SuperUI with the new SR2)
=== Description ===
SuperUI, formerly known as "nclok1405's Misc Menu Mod", enhances user interface of Saints Row 2 in many ways.
This mod contains the features previously available from "Pause Menu Tweaks", "Fast Cellphone", "Modern HUD", "Random Loading Screen Tips", and "Show Hidden Stats".
=== Screenshots ===
Activity cutscenes at TV:

No more cyan rectangle on DLC missions:

Buy clothes from your wardrobe:

Buy ammo from Weapons Cache:

=== Features ===
==== General Features ====
* Cancel prompt removed from most menus except Image as Designed.
* Bonus Derby menu now remembers last derby you played, and Vehicle Select is skipped on the derbies that has only one selectable vehicle.
* Ending Credits can now be skipped with Escape key.
* The Activity Level Selector no longer queries which levels are available to the game; it *might* prevent freezes that happen if there are too many triggers.
* When an Occupational Diversion ends the game displays a score card, which shows how much money you earned and how long you played.
* Added an option to disable Fast Weapon Switching (Q key) in Control Options.
* Expanded many menu's maximum height. Many menus, such as Garage and Achievements, now show 13 items in one page instead of 9 items.
==== Features not enabled by default ====
* Added an option to auto-load the latest save when launching the game. This feature is not enabled by default. To enable it, open "vint_lib.lua" and change "SUI_AUTO_CONTINUE = false" to "SUI_AUTO_CONTINUE = true" and recreate the GotR patch.
* Inside "optional" folder there is a "music.xtbl" file. Placing this file to 1-MODDERS_-_PUT_YOUR_OWN_PERSONAL_MODS_HERE folder will mute the Pause Menu music.
* Added "SUI_GARAGE_HORZ_BARS" flag to vint_lib.lua. When set to false, the Garage menu's top and bottom horizontal bars and button hints will disappear and up to 15 vehicles are listed in one page.
==== Loading Screen ====
* Loading screen randomizes the image after you complete Corporate Meltdown mission.
* The loading screen shows a random hint.
==== HUD ====
* Health Bar is moved to bottom-right, like in Saints Row: The Third and IV.
* Various HUD elements will automatically fade out if there are no changes for a few seconds.
* Added HUD-related options to Display Settings. Changes you make here will not persist between reboots, so please edit vint_lib.lua if you want to make permanent changes.
* Play weapon select sound when switching a weapon from 1-8 keys or Mouse Wheel. This feature can be disabled from Audio Options.
* On-screen Vehicle Surfing Timer added.
* Cash HUD will flash in red when you are spending money, and green when money is increasing. (can be disabled with SUI_CASH_TINT_DOWN and SUI_CASH_TINT_UP flags in vint_lib.lua)
* Radio Station logo is now shown on HUD rather than text, except My Radio and Police/FBI which lack logos.
* Added an option to disable all of HUD at Display Settings.
Note, if you disable HUD then re-enable, you will need to open/close the map a few times to restore the HUD.
* Added an option to disable HUD messages at Display Settings.
* Added an option to disable all tutorial popups.
* Added an option to disable the shadows around the four-corners of the screen. (Internally called "vignette")
* You can override Subtitle font size in vint_lib.lua. (SUI_SUBTITLE_SIZE)
* You can change thousands separator (default ',') to a whitespace (' ') by changing "SUI_USE_SPACE_SEPARATOR" to true in vint_lib.lua. Note Stats and Stash messages are unaffected due to technical limitations.
==== Pause Menu ====
* Save/Load, Radio, and Options tabs are now combined to a new unified Options tab.
* You can target an already completed Chop Shop vehicle.
* Added save file count display to Save Game menu.
* Disabled Pause Menu ripple effect. Somewhat improves performance.
** Minor side-effect: When switching between Map and Pause Menus the camera temporarily zooms in and out.
* Added Achievements menu. This menu allows you to check the unlock status and progress of Single Player Achievements from Xbox 360 version of the game. Achievements of Co-op and competitive multiplayer modes are not included. The Soprano achievement is also missing because the game leaves no traces of it.
** Keep in mind that there is no popup for unlocking a new achievement, due to how this system works internally. You will need to periodically check the unlock status manually.
* Added "Stopwatch Test" tool to Display options. This tool can be used to test the game's internal timer speed.
To determine if you're affected by the "game speed too fast bug", follow these instructions:
1. Launch Saints Row 2 with SuperUI for SR2 mod installed.
2. Open the Display options menu.
3. Highlight "Stopwatch Test" then push Enter key. A dialog box for confirmation will appear.
4. Have a stopwatch ready near your hand (use a real life clock or your smartphone's stopwatch app)
5. Select "YES" (push your Enter key) on SR2. A 3-second countdown will appear.
6. When the 3-second countdown ends, start your stopwatch. A 10-second countdown will start in-game.
7. When the 10-second countdown ends, stop your stopwatch.
8. If your stopwatch isn't near 10 seconds, you're affected by the "game speed too fast bug".
If you're affected, either use "bcdedit /set useplatformclock true" from Administrator Command Prompt, or install Powertools.
More Info:
==== Map ====
* Changed button tips of Map screen when using Mouse & Keyboard. (GPS: Right Mouse Button, Resume: Tab)
* The "CHANGE MAP" button tip shown in Underground Map is now localized based on SR2's language.
* The map screen now displays current cash (instead of GAME PAUSED) at the bottom of the screen.
* The map screen now shows a confirmation dialog when exiting from a taxi service.
==== Cellphone ====
* Most time consuming animations are disabled.
* Key repeat rate is increased.
* Push Spacebar on dialer screen to instantly push the CALL button.
* NPC Morph Cheats moved to its own Character category.
* Homie names are now localized depending on your SR2's language. (Except the homies added by GotR)
* After activating a cheat, the screen will stay at the cheat list instead of going back to the category list.
* The game will automatically unpause itself when using a NPC Morph cheat. (Prevents black screen)
* Added "Cheat Shortcut Keys". You can bind a cheat to "Say" and "Team Say" keys to activate your favorite cheats without going to the Cellphone menu. To bind a cheat, highlight the desired cheat, then push your "Say" (Default: Y) or "Team Say" (Default: T) key. By using this, you can use up to two different cheats in Zombie Uprising. (Unfortunately, NPC Morph Cheats do not work in ZU...)
* On Phone Book only useful phone numbers (that spawns a vehicle) are listed by default. To display all contacts, highlight the Phone Book option on the main cellphone menu and push Spacebar.
** Note: In order to keep the list small enough to fit in 1 screen, Big Willy's Cab (8198415) is the only taxi service listed here. Eye for an Eye (5555966) is a one-time deal so it is not listed.
==== Nag Messages ====
* Disabled "Buy and change your clothes to increase your Style Rank" nag message.
* Replaced "Visit your crib stash often to collect money from owned hoods." nag message with "Stash Available". It is also now shown above the minimap.
==== Crib ====
* Added activity cutscenes replay to Television menu.
* Added clothing, jewelry and tattoo stores to Wardrobe menu. The stores contain sizable amount of clothing items.
** NOTE: A glitched clothing item "flasher coat with Morphs" (display name: "Flasher Coat") is disabled from Lua code side. This clothing item is not used by any NPCs and not sold in any stores except the crib store. This clothing item quickly crashed the game when previewed and unlike the other Flasher Coat it cannot be used for Flashing diversion.
* Changed "Misc" clothing slot to "Miscellaneous". Along with "Teeth", these are now localized depending on your SR2's language.
* Vehicles wanted by a Chop Shop is highlighed in blue in Gang Customization screen.
* Combined both tabs of Gang Customization menu.
* Removed the horizontal bars at the top and bottom of Crib Customization menu.
==== Newspaper Clipboard ====
* Fixed the cosmetic problems of DLC/Mod missions in Newspaper Clipboard menu; mainly getting rid of cyan rectangles.
* Added headline and Jane's Newscast transcript to various missions in Newspaper Clipboard. Also added Troy and Dex's Wiretap transcript for Revelation. Despite unused in the vanilla game, these are translated to every language. However, the Wiretaps lack transcripts for Julius.
* Added an ability to load "Mod Missions" (Custom missions without a start navpoint) from Newspaper Clipboard. Please read sui_mission_list.lua for more info. The following mod missions are included:
** "Evil Gat Clones" (mm_evilgat): Kill all evil Gat clones in Sea Roses.
** "Benchmark" (mm_benchmark_sr): This mission will display a predetermined scene at Rebadeaux for 30 seconds and give you performace information.
** "Triangulate" (mm_triangulate): Display player's coordinates. Push the Prev Radio key to show Y position, and push the Next Radio key to add all three position components to the objective list. If you have Powertools installed, pushing the Next Radio key will also record the coordinates in the debug log. Installing the logging version of Powertools is recommended.
==== Weapons Cache at Crib ====
* Added ammo store to Weapons Cache menu.
* Weapons Cache now shows the amount of ammo you currently have.
* Weapons Cache now displays price of the weapons you already own.
* You can now receive maximum of 50 free ammo (amount varies depending on game progress) from Weapons Cache for thrown weapons except Satchel Charge. This feature compensates the limitation of the game that all non-equipped thrown ammo disappear upon loading a saved game. To receive your free ammo, simply highlight a thrown weapon and press your Enter key. This feature does not apply to Satchel because the ammo count always go back to 5.
* Weapons Cache's equipped status is now much more accurate. Previously it sometimes shown no weapons are equipped or a wrong weapon was equipped.
==== Garage ====
* Added an option to retrieve a damaged vehicle without repairing.
* Show special warning before permanently removing a reward vehicle.
* Added Vehicle Count display (Push Spacebar or X/Square buttons on a controller to see detailed count)
* Reward Vehicles are now marked with a Gold Star in front of their name.
==== Mission Success/Failure Screen ====
* Displays final score in an activity with cash score (such as Mayhem and Insurance Fraud) as well as Zombie Uprising.
* Do not display "You have enough respect to play more missions" on dlc05 "Corporate Meltdown" and Mission/Activity replay.
==== Zombie Uprising ====
* You can play Zombie Uprising using regular gameplay HUD with minimap and weapon circle. You can revert to original Zombie HUD from Display Settings (must be changed before starting Zombie Uprising)
* Added an option to return to main menu (without saving) from pause screen (Tab)
* Buying foods from the mall no longer mess up the HUD.
==== Main Menu ====
* Added Help menu. The help menu is extended to include more detail for a few Activities and Diversions.
* Added my Sandbox++ mod help. Download the mod here: (Note I accidently bundled it in SuperUI v1.0)
==== Multiplayer ====
* Added a warning message if you open the multiplayer menu without loading single player mode first, to prevent naked character bug.
* Removed Spacebar, Shift, and Ctrl button tips from Server Browser because these do absolutely nothing on LAN.
==== Plastic Surgeon ====
* Non-working eye color option (labeled "Unavailable") is removed.
* Melee style option is not displayed when starting a new game because alternate styles are not unlocked until you beat at least one gang storyline.
* Added an option to start a new game without any clothing ("Start Without Clothing")
* Added an option to return to the main menu without saving in the initial Player Customization.
* Savegame Import option is now enabled in Single Player Plastic Surgeon, although it is kinda incomplete and the character's hair and makeup disappear when changing tabs.
==== Food Stores ====
* Do not display purchase confirmation dialog box on food stores if the price is $0 and the player has a empty food slot.
* Food is now sorted by health value instead of price. The 75% health item is now the default cursor position.
* Push Spacebar to show the selected food's flavour text. (Note, Kabob lacks a unique text and shown as a "cola beverage")
=== Install ===
To install, place all files in "mod" folder to optional_mod_stuff\1-MODDERS_-_PUT_YOUR_OWN_PERSONAL_MODS_HERE folder in Gentlemen of the Row mod folder.
Next, open vint_lib.lua using any text editor and change settings if necessary.
If you are using 360 or PS3 Controller Onscreen Prompts Mod, please set the "SUI_PLATFORM" variable to an appropriate value ("XBOX360" or "PS3").
Then execute "Create_Custom_GotR_v1.9.2.bat", create a patch (P), and copy everything inside the MY_CUSTOM_PATCH folder to your Saints Row 2 installation folder.
=== Changelog ===
SuperUI for SR2 v2.9 (July 22, 2021)
* Restored GameSpy-related menus for OpenSpy. Sadly it doesn't work for me (It lets me create an account but login fails) so nothing beyond the login menu is tested.
* Removed Phone tab from multiplayer lobby (Likely horrible for online play)
* After activating a cheat, the screen will stay at the cheat list instead of going back to the category list.
* The game will automatically unpause itself when using a NPC Morph cheat. (Prevents black screen)
* Updated Sandbox++ help to v0.9
SuperUI for SR2 v2.8 (December 23, 2020)
* This mod has been renamed to "SuperUI for SR2" to clarify the target game.
* Added "Stopwatch Test" tool to Display options. This tool can be used to test the game's internal timer speed.
* Added an option to enable tutorial popups in missions only (SUI_TUTORIAL = 1)
* You can override Subtitle font size in vint_lib.lua. (SUI_SUBTITLE_SIZE)
* You can change thousands separator (default ',') to a whitespace (' ') by changing "SUI_USE_SPACE_SEPARATOR" to true in vint_lib.lua. Note Stats and Stash messages are unaffected due to technical limitations.
* You can now fully disable the HUD (including Diversion Stars) by setting SUI_HUD_ENABLE to 0.
Note, if you re-enable the HUD from options, you will need to open/close the map a few times to restore the HUD.
SuperUI v2.7 (April 16, 2020)
* Equipped performance upgrades are now marked with a gold star on Vehicle Customization menu.
* Disabled the arrows on Melee and Pistol Weapons Cache; this is a workaround/sacrifice to prevent various graphical glitches found on these two tabs such as button backgrounds or weapon icons not showing up.
* Disabled most debug_print messages, and a few remaining ones have a newline '\n' at the end. This was done to make the SuperUI mod more friendly for the logging version of Powertools.
* Pushing 'Next Radio' key on Triangulate mission now prints out the coordinates in the same format as various *.cts files (useful when used with the logging version of Powertools)
* Expanded more menu height of Plastic Surgeon (such as Hair Styles)
SuperUI v2.6 (April 10, 2020)
* Fixed a bug that Cash display disappears after using a Food Store with HUD Autohide disabled. (Thanks Bandi for finding this!)
* Added cellphone homie icons support for Villain Homies and Misc Homies.
* Expanded Music Store menu height.
* Weapon Switch sound is now disabled during Weapons Cache menu and Demolition Derby menu.
SuperUI v2.5 (April 8, 2020)
* Added homie icons to the Cellphone Homie menu.
* Combined both tabs of Gang Customization menu.
* Garage Menu with "SUI_GARAGE_HORZ_BARS = false" flag now has button tips at the bottom of the list. (Still no mention of Spacebar)
* HUD no longer accidently appear during Demolition Derby menu.
* Bonus Derby menu now shows correct vehicle when you reenter it.
* Bonus Derby menu now skips Vehicle Select screen for the derbies that have only one selectable vehicle.
SuperUI v2.4 (April 6, 2020)
* Expanded more menu's maximum height. (Vehicle Dealers, Unlockable Rewards, etc...)
* Weapons without unlimited ammo are now treated as "not equipped" if you have the unlimited version in Weapons Cache.
(For example, if you take NR4 from the cops, it'll be always a not-unlimited version.
If you then go to an Weapons Cache, the Unlimited NR4 available in the cache is now considered as "not equipped".)
* Removed the horizontal bars at the top and bottom of Crib Customization menu.
* Added "SUI_GARAGE_HORZ_BARS" flag to vint_lib.lua. When set to false, the Garage menu's top and bottom horizontal bars and button hints will disappear and up to 15 vehicles are listed in one page.
* Added an experimental Custom HUD system for mods. See "hud_msg.lua" for more info. (It will be used by my future mods.)
SuperUI v2.3 (April 4, 2020)
* Weapons Cache's equipped status is now much more accurate. Previously it sometimes shown no weapons are equipped or a wrong weapon was equipped.
* Expanded many menu's maximum height. Many menus, such as Garage and Achievements, now show 13 items in one page instead of 9 items.
* Reward Vehicles and Unlocked Achievements are now marked with a Gold Star instead of green font.
* Cash-decreasing and increasing animations can now be disabled with SUI_CASH_TINT_DOWN and SUI_CASH_TINT_UP flags in vint_lib.lua.
* Added "Triangulate" custom mission which displays the player's coordinates. Push Previous Radio key to show Y coordinate, or push Next Radio key to show X,Y,Z coodinates at the same time. (Special Thanks to 452 of Saints Row Wiki for the triangulate code)
* Show a warning message if Saints Row 2 Rerelease is detected. It informs the player that they cannot access the new options or Steam online multiplayer modes. The detection is based on the existence of 'get_shared_variable' and 'set_shared_variable' functions.
SuperUI v2.2 (June 21, 2019)
* Added "Benchmark" custom mission which can be played from a Newspaper Clipboard. This mission will display a scene at Rebadeaux for 30 seconds and give you a performace information.
* Fixed the homie HUD locations on Modern Layout. In v2.1, 4:3 position was used for 16:9 and vice versa.
SuperUI v2.1 (June 20, 2019)
* Added an option to disable Fast Weapon Switching (Q key) in Control Options.
* Added an option to disable Weapon Switch Sound by Mouse Wheel and 1-8 keys in Audio Options.
* Moved the Homie HUD slightly to right when using Modern HUD Layout so it matches with Saints Row: The Third and IV locations.
* Homie HP Bar is always displayed (as in vanilla SR2) when Autohide is turned OFF.
* Added Useful Phone Numbers List in Phone help.
* Added an optional music.xtbl file (not enabled by default) which will mute the Pause Menu music.
SuperUI v2.0 (June 2, 2019)
* Added an option to auto-load the latest save when launching the game. This feature is not enabled by default. To enable it, open "vint_lib.lua" and change "SUI_AUTO_CONTINUE = false" to "SUI_AUTO_CONTINUE = true" and recreate the GotR patch.
* You can now exit Demolition Derby menu without a Mission Failed screen to show up.
* If you fail a Special Derby, you automatically exit the activity and the failure text shows up on the freeroam.
* Added a Lua error handler. If an error happens at a Lua script the game will attempt to display the error message and play an error sound.
* "A Better Life" achievement now correctly requires you to complete Corporate Meltdown, rather than completing the story and Revelation.
* Fixed a bug that "Aww Nuts!" achievement is listed twice when played in languages other than English and Japanese.
SuperUI for SR2 v2.9 (July 22, 2021)
Created by nclok1405
Download: SuperUI_for_SR2_v2.9.7z
NOTE: This mod is for the original release (2009) version of Saints Row 2. It probably won't work correctly with the upcoming Saints Row 2 re-release. (You'll likely get a warning dialog if you attempt to run SuperUI with the new SR2)
=== Description ===
SuperUI, formerly known as "nclok1405's Misc Menu Mod", enhances user interface of Saints Row 2 in many ways.
This mod contains the features previously available from "Pause Menu Tweaks", "Fast Cellphone", "Modern HUD", "Random Loading Screen Tips", and "Show Hidden Stats".
=== Screenshots ===
Activity cutscenes at TV:

No more cyan rectangle on DLC missions:

Buy clothes from your wardrobe:

Buy ammo from Weapons Cache:

=== Features ===
==== General Features ====
* Cancel prompt removed from most menus except Image as Designed.
* Bonus Derby menu now remembers last derby you played, and Vehicle Select is skipped on the derbies that has only one selectable vehicle.
* Ending Credits can now be skipped with Escape key.
* The Activity Level Selector no longer queries which levels are available to the game; it *might* prevent freezes that happen if there are too many triggers.
* When an Occupational Diversion ends the game displays a score card, which shows how much money you earned and how long you played.
* Added an option to disable Fast Weapon Switching (Q key) in Control Options.
* Expanded many menu's maximum height. Many menus, such as Garage and Achievements, now show 13 items in one page instead of 9 items.
==== Features not enabled by default ====
* Added an option to auto-load the latest save when launching the game. This feature is not enabled by default. To enable it, open "vint_lib.lua" and change "SUI_AUTO_CONTINUE = false" to "SUI_AUTO_CONTINUE = true" and recreate the GotR patch.
* Inside "optional" folder there is a "music.xtbl" file. Placing this file to 1-MODDERS_-_PUT_YOUR_OWN_PERSONAL_MODS_HERE folder will mute the Pause Menu music.
* Added "SUI_GARAGE_HORZ_BARS" flag to vint_lib.lua. When set to false, the Garage menu's top and bottom horizontal bars and button hints will disappear and up to 15 vehicles are listed in one page.
==== Loading Screen ====
* Loading screen randomizes the image after you complete Corporate Meltdown mission.
* The loading screen shows a random hint.
==== HUD ====
* Health Bar is moved to bottom-right, like in Saints Row: The Third and IV.
* Various HUD elements will automatically fade out if there are no changes for a few seconds.
* Added HUD-related options to Display Settings. Changes you make here will not persist between reboots, so please edit vint_lib.lua if you want to make permanent changes.
* Play weapon select sound when switching a weapon from 1-8 keys or Mouse Wheel. This feature can be disabled from Audio Options.
* On-screen Vehicle Surfing Timer added.
* Cash HUD will flash in red when you are spending money, and green when money is increasing. (can be disabled with SUI_CASH_TINT_DOWN and SUI_CASH_TINT_UP flags in vint_lib.lua)
* Radio Station logo is now shown on HUD rather than text, except My Radio and Police/FBI which lack logos.
* Added an option to disable all of HUD at Display Settings.
Note, if you disable HUD then re-enable, you will need to open/close the map a few times to restore the HUD.
* Added an option to disable HUD messages at Display Settings.
* Added an option to disable all tutorial popups.
* Added an option to disable the shadows around the four-corners of the screen. (Internally called "vignette")
* You can override Subtitle font size in vint_lib.lua. (SUI_SUBTITLE_SIZE)
* You can change thousands separator (default ',') to a whitespace (' ') by changing "SUI_USE_SPACE_SEPARATOR" to true in vint_lib.lua. Note Stats and Stash messages are unaffected due to technical limitations.
==== Pause Menu ====
* Save/Load, Radio, and Options tabs are now combined to a new unified Options tab.
* You can target an already completed Chop Shop vehicle.
* Added save file count display to Save Game menu.
* Disabled Pause Menu ripple effect. Somewhat improves performance.
** Minor side-effect: When switching between Map and Pause Menus the camera temporarily zooms in and out.
* Added Achievements menu. This menu allows you to check the unlock status and progress of Single Player Achievements from Xbox 360 version of the game. Achievements of Co-op and competitive multiplayer modes are not included. The Soprano achievement is also missing because the game leaves no traces of it.
** Keep in mind that there is no popup for unlocking a new achievement, due to how this system works internally. You will need to periodically check the unlock status manually.
* Added "Stopwatch Test" tool to Display options. This tool can be used to test the game's internal timer speed.
To determine if you're affected by the "game speed too fast bug", follow these instructions:
1. Launch Saints Row 2 with SuperUI for SR2 mod installed.
2. Open the Display options menu.
3. Highlight "Stopwatch Test" then push Enter key. A dialog box for confirmation will appear.
4. Have a stopwatch ready near your hand (use a real life clock or your smartphone's stopwatch app)
5. Select "YES" (push your Enter key) on SR2. A 3-second countdown will appear.
6. When the 3-second countdown ends, start your stopwatch. A 10-second countdown will start in-game.
7. When the 10-second countdown ends, stop your stopwatch.
8. If your stopwatch isn't near 10 seconds, you're affected by the "game speed too fast bug".
If you're affected, either use "bcdedit /set useplatformclock true" from Administrator Command Prompt, or install Powertools.
More Info:
==== Map ====
* Changed button tips of Map screen when using Mouse & Keyboard. (GPS: Right Mouse Button, Resume: Tab)
* The "CHANGE MAP" button tip shown in Underground Map is now localized based on SR2's language.
* The map screen now displays current cash (instead of GAME PAUSED) at the bottom of the screen.
* The map screen now shows a confirmation dialog when exiting from a taxi service.
==== Cellphone ====
* Most time consuming animations are disabled.
* Key repeat rate is increased.
* Push Spacebar on dialer screen to instantly push the CALL button.
* NPC Morph Cheats moved to its own Character category.
* Homie names are now localized depending on your SR2's language. (Except the homies added by GotR)
* After activating a cheat, the screen will stay at the cheat list instead of going back to the category list.
* The game will automatically unpause itself when using a NPC Morph cheat. (Prevents black screen)
* Added "Cheat Shortcut Keys". You can bind a cheat to "Say" and "Team Say" keys to activate your favorite cheats without going to the Cellphone menu. To bind a cheat, highlight the desired cheat, then push your "Say" (Default: Y) or "Team Say" (Default: T) key. By using this, you can use up to two different cheats in Zombie Uprising. (Unfortunately, NPC Morph Cheats do not work in ZU...)
* On Phone Book only useful phone numbers (that spawns a vehicle) are listed by default. To display all contacts, highlight the Phone Book option on the main cellphone menu and push Spacebar.
** Note: In order to keep the list small enough to fit in 1 screen, Big Willy's Cab (8198415) is the only taxi service listed here. Eye for an Eye (5555966) is a one-time deal so it is not listed.
==== Nag Messages ====
* Disabled "Buy and change your clothes to increase your Style Rank" nag message.
* Replaced "Visit your crib stash often to collect money from owned hoods." nag message with "Stash Available". It is also now shown above the minimap.
==== Crib ====
* Added activity cutscenes replay to Television menu.
* Added clothing, jewelry and tattoo stores to Wardrobe menu. The stores contain sizable amount of clothing items.
** NOTE: A glitched clothing item "flasher coat with Morphs" (display name: "Flasher Coat") is disabled from Lua code side. This clothing item is not used by any NPCs and not sold in any stores except the crib store. This clothing item quickly crashed the game when previewed and unlike the other Flasher Coat it cannot be used for Flashing diversion.
* Changed "Misc" clothing slot to "Miscellaneous". Along with "Teeth", these are now localized depending on your SR2's language.
* Vehicles wanted by a Chop Shop is highlighed in blue in Gang Customization screen.
* Combined both tabs of Gang Customization menu.
* Removed the horizontal bars at the top and bottom of Crib Customization menu.
==== Newspaper Clipboard ====
* Fixed the cosmetic problems of DLC/Mod missions in Newspaper Clipboard menu; mainly getting rid of cyan rectangles.
* Added headline and Jane's Newscast transcript to various missions in Newspaper Clipboard. Also added Troy and Dex's Wiretap transcript for Revelation. Despite unused in the vanilla game, these are translated to every language. However, the Wiretaps lack transcripts for Julius.
* Added an ability to load "Mod Missions" (Custom missions without a start navpoint) from Newspaper Clipboard. Please read sui_mission_list.lua for more info. The following mod missions are included:
** "Evil Gat Clones" (mm_evilgat): Kill all evil Gat clones in Sea Roses.
** "Benchmark" (mm_benchmark_sr): This mission will display a predetermined scene at Rebadeaux for 30 seconds and give you performace information.
** "Triangulate" (mm_triangulate): Display player's coordinates. Push the Prev Radio key to show Y position, and push the Next Radio key to add all three position components to the objective list. If you have Powertools installed, pushing the Next Radio key will also record the coordinates in the debug log. Installing the logging version of Powertools is recommended.
==== Weapons Cache at Crib ====
* Added ammo store to Weapons Cache menu.
* Weapons Cache now shows the amount of ammo you currently have.
* Weapons Cache now displays price of the weapons you already own.
* You can now receive maximum of 50 free ammo (amount varies depending on game progress) from Weapons Cache for thrown weapons except Satchel Charge. This feature compensates the limitation of the game that all non-equipped thrown ammo disappear upon loading a saved game. To receive your free ammo, simply highlight a thrown weapon and press your Enter key. This feature does not apply to Satchel because the ammo count always go back to 5.
* Weapons Cache's equipped status is now much more accurate. Previously it sometimes shown no weapons are equipped or a wrong weapon was equipped.
==== Garage ====
* Added an option to retrieve a damaged vehicle without repairing.
* Show special warning before permanently removing a reward vehicle.
* Added Vehicle Count display (Push Spacebar or X/Square buttons on a controller to see detailed count)
* Reward Vehicles are now marked with a Gold Star in front of their name.
==== Mission Success/Failure Screen ====
* Displays final score in an activity with cash score (such as Mayhem and Insurance Fraud) as well as Zombie Uprising.
* Do not display "You have enough respect to play more missions" on dlc05 "Corporate Meltdown" and Mission/Activity replay.
==== Zombie Uprising ====
* You can play Zombie Uprising using regular gameplay HUD with minimap and weapon circle. You can revert to original Zombie HUD from Display Settings (must be changed before starting Zombie Uprising)
* Added an option to return to main menu (without saving) from pause screen (Tab)
* Buying foods from the mall no longer mess up the HUD.
==== Main Menu ====
* Added Help menu. The help menu is extended to include more detail for a few Activities and Diversions.
* Added my Sandbox++ mod help. Download the mod here: (Note I accidently bundled it in SuperUI v1.0)
==== Multiplayer ====
* Added a warning message if you open the multiplayer menu without loading single player mode first, to prevent naked character bug.
* Removed Spacebar, Shift, and Ctrl button tips from Server Browser because these do absolutely nothing on LAN.
==== Plastic Surgeon ====
* Non-working eye color option (labeled "Unavailable") is removed.
* Melee style option is not displayed when starting a new game because alternate styles are not unlocked until you beat at least one gang storyline.
* Added an option to start a new game without any clothing ("Start Without Clothing")
* Added an option to return to the main menu without saving in the initial Player Customization.
* Savegame Import option is now enabled in Single Player Plastic Surgeon, although it is kinda incomplete and the character's hair and makeup disappear when changing tabs.
==== Food Stores ====
* Do not display purchase confirmation dialog box on food stores if the price is $0 and the player has a empty food slot.
* Food is now sorted by health value instead of price. The 75% health item is now the default cursor position.
* Push Spacebar to show the selected food's flavour text. (Note, Kabob lacks a unique text and shown as a "cola beverage")
=== Install ===
To install, place all files in "mod" folder to optional_mod_stuff\1-MODDERS_-_PUT_YOUR_OWN_PERSONAL_MODS_HERE folder in Gentlemen of the Row mod folder.
Next, open vint_lib.lua using any text editor and change settings if necessary.
If you are using 360 or PS3 Controller Onscreen Prompts Mod, please set the "SUI_PLATFORM" variable to an appropriate value ("XBOX360" or "PS3").
Then execute "Create_Custom_GotR_v1.9.2.bat", create a patch (P), and copy everything inside the MY_CUSTOM_PATCH folder to your Saints Row 2 installation folder.
=== Changelog ===
SuperUI for SR2 v2.9 (July 22, 2021)
* Restored GameSpy-related menus for OpenSpy. Sadly it doesn't work for me (It lets me create an account but login fails) so nothing beyond the login menu is tested.
* Removed Phone tab from multiplayer lobby (Likely horrible for online play)
* After activating a cheat, the screen will stay at the cheat list instead of going back to the category list.
* The game will automatically unpause itself when using a NPC Morph cheat. (Prevents black screen)
* Updated Sandbox++ help to v0.9
SuperUI for SR2 v2.8 (December 23, 2020)
* This mod has been renamed to "SuperUI for SR2" to clarify the target game.
* Added "Stopwatch Test" tool to Display options. This tool can be used to test the game's internal timer speed.
* Added an option to enable tutorial popups in missions only (SUI_TUTORIAL = 1)
* You can override Subtitle font size in vint_lib.lua. (SUI_SUBTITLE_SIZE)
* You can change thousands separator (default ',') to a whitespace (' ') by changing "SUI_USE_SPACE_SEPARATOR" to true in vint_lib.lua. Note Stats and Stash messages are unaffected due to technical limitations.
* You can now fully disable the HUD (including Diversion Stars) by setting SUI_HUD_ENABLE to 0.
Note, if you re-enable the HUD from options, you will need to open/close the map a few times to restore the HUD.
SuperUI v2.7 (April 16, 2020)
* Equipped performance upgrades are now marked with a gold star on Vehicle Customization menu.
* Disabled the arrows on Melee and Pistol Weapons Cache; this is a workaround/sacrifice to prevent various graphical glitches found on these two tabs such as button backgrounds or weapon icons not showing up.
* Disabled most debug_print messages, and a few remaining ones have a newline '\n' at the end. This was done to make the SuperUI mod more friendly for the logging version of Powertools.
* Pushing 'Next Radio' key on Triangulate mission now prints out the coordinates in the same format as various *.cts files (useful when used with the logging version of Powertools)
* Expanded more menu height of Plastic Surgeon (such as Hair Styles)
SuperUI v2.6 (April 10, 2020)
* Fixed a bug that Cash display disappears after using a Food Store with HUD Autohide disabled. (Thanks Bandi for finding this!)
* Added cellphone homie icons support for Villain Homies and Misc Homies.
* Expanded Music Store menu height.
* Weapon Switch sound is now disabled during Weapons Cache menu and Demolition Derby menu.
SuperUI v2.5 (April 8, 2020)
* Added homie icons to the Cellphone Homie menu.
* Combined both tabs of Gang Customization menu.
* Garage Menu with "SUI_GARAGE_HORZ_BARS = false" flag now has button tips at the bottom of the list. (Still no mention of Spacebar)
* HUD no longer accidently appear during Demolition Derby menu.
* Bonus Derby menu now shows correct vehicle when you reenter it.
* Bonus Derby menu now skips Vehicle Select screen for the derbies that have only one selectable vehicle.
SuperUI v2.4 (April 6, 2020)
* Expanded more menu's maximum height. (Vehicle Dealers, Unlockable Rewards, etc...)
* Weapons without unlimited ammo are now treated as "not equipped" if you have the unlimited version in Weapons Cache.
(For example, if you take NR4 from the cops, it'll be always a not-unlimited version.
If you then go to an Weapons Cache, the Unlimited NR4 available in the cache is now considered as "not equipped".)
* Removed the horizontal bars at the top and bottom of Crib Customization menu.
* Added "SUI_GARAGE_HORZ_BARS" flag to vint_lib.lua. When set to false, the Garage menu's top and bottom horizontal bars and button hints will disappear and up to 15 vehicles are listed in one page.
* Added an experimental Custom HUD system for mods. See "hud_msg.lua" for more info. (It will be used by my future mods.)
SuperUI v2.3 (April 4, 2020)
* Weapons Cache's equipped status is now much more accurate. Previously it sometimes shown no weapons are equipped or a wrong weapon was equipped.
* Expanded many menu's maximum height. Many menus, such as Garage and Achievements, now show 13 items in one page instead of 9 items.
* Reward Vehicles and Unlocked Achievements are now marked with a Gold Star instead of green font.
* Cash-decreasing and increasing animations can now be disabled with SUI_CASH_TINT_DOWN and SUI_CASH_TINT_UP flags in vint_lib.lua.
* Added "Triangulate" custom mission which displays the player's coordinates. Push Previous Radio key to show Y coordinate, or push Next Radio key to show X,Y,Z coodinates at the same time. (Special Thanks to 452 of Saints Row Wiki for the triangulate code)
* Show a warning message if Saints Row 2 Rerelease is detected. It informs the player that they cannot access the new options or Steam online multiplayer modes. The detection is based on the existence of 'get_shared_variable' and 'set_shared_variable' functions.
SuperUI v2.2 (June 21, 2019)
* Added "Benchmark" custom mission which can be played from a Newspaper Clipboard. This mission will display a scene at Rebadeaux for 30 seconds and give you a performace information.
* Fixed the homie HUD locations on Modern Layout. In v2.1, 4:3 position was used for 16:9 and vice versa.
SuperUI v2.1 (June 20, 2019)
* Added an option to disable Fast Weapon Switching (Q key) in Control Options.
* Added an option to disable Weapon Switch Sound by Mouse Wheel and 1-8 keys in Audio Options.
* Moved the Homie HUD slightly to right when using Modern HUD Layout so it matches with Saints Row: The Third and IV locations.
* Homie HP Bar is always displayed (as in vanilla SR2) when Autohide is turned OFF.
* Added Useful Phone Numbers List in Phone help.
* Added an optional music.xtbl file (not enabled by default) which will mute the Pause Menu music.
SuperUI v2.0 (June 2, 2019)
* Added an option to auto-load the latest save when launching the game. This feature is not enabled by default. To enable it, open "vint_lib.lua" and change "SUI_AUTO_CONTINUE = false" to "SUI_AUTO_CONTINUE = true" and recreate the GotR patch.
* You can now exit Demolition Derby menu without a Mission Failed screen to show up.
* If you fail a Special Derby, you automatically exit the activity and the failure text shows up on the freeroam.
* Added a Lua error handler. If an error happens at a Lua script the game will attempt to display the error message and play an error sound.
* "A Better Life" achievement now correctly requires you to complete Corporate Meltdown, rather than completing the story and Revelation.
* Fixed a bug that "Aww Nuts!" achievement is listed twice when played in languages other than English and Japanese.
SuperUI v1.9 (June 2, 2019)
* Vehicle Surfing timer is now disabled in multiplayer. It is reported to accidently activated during multiplayer matches.
* Fixed Drive-by scorecard's title, which mistakingly said Tow Truck.
* Updated Sandbox++ help to v0.8 and added Japanese version of it.
* Added more loading hints.
* Localized Satchel Charge ammo error message in Japanese.
* Added "Using a Food" control help topic (English and Japanese only)
SuperUI v1.8 (April 16, 2019)
* Added *.le_strings files. The messages specific to SuperUI mod are now loaded from these files.
** Only Japanese texts are really "localized" for SuperUI; other languages are in English.
* Marked "flasher coat with Morphs" as "Flasher Coat (Glitched)".
* Fixed Garage Help's text "one hundred sixty" garage limit, which is actually 64.
* static_JP.le_strings (Japanese language file):
** Fixed the bug which incorrectly displays your current money as the cost of surgeon.
** Fixed typos
** Fixed bugged messages where numbers at the end ("MSN_SH_BH_DOCKS_INSTRUCT_TWO" and "PIERCE_RON5_BICKER_01")
** Translated DLC mission messages
** Added random loading hints in Japanese
SuperUI v1.7.1 (April 11, 2019)
* Fixed a bug that GSI (the mission status indicator at the top-left corner) stopped working after exiting a Racing diversion.
SuperUI v1.7 (April 4, 2019)
* Added an option to disable the shadows around the four-corners of the screen. (Internally called "vignette")
* Added Achievements menu. This menu allows you to check the unlock status and progress of Single Player Achievements from Xbox 360 version of the game. Achievements of Co-op and competitive multiplayer modes are not included. The Soprano achievement is also missing because the game leaves no traces of it.
* "Show Hidden Stats" mod is now integrated to SuperUI mod (required for Achievements)
SuperUI v1.6 (January 15, 2019)
* Added an ability to load "Mod Missions" (Custom missions without a start navpoint) from Newspaper Clipboard. An example mission "Evil Gat Clones" (mm_evilgat) is included. Please read sui_mission_list.lua for more technical info.
* The problematic "flasher coat with Morphs" clothing item has been disabled from the Lua code side. This mod no longer requires the modded "customization_items.xtbl".
* The Weapons Cache now displays how many of free thrown ammo is available, and an "Weapon Picked Up" sound is played when you receive the free ammo.
SuperUI v1.5 (January 13, 2019)
* When an Occupational Diversion ends the game displays a score card, which shows how much money you earned and how long you played.
* I've removed a glitched clothing item "flasher coat with Morphs" (display name: "Flasher Coat") which is not used by any NPCs and not sold in any stores except the crib store. This clothing item quickly crashes the game when previewed and unlike the other Flasher Coat it cannot be used for Flashing diversion. (affects customization_items.xtbl)
* Added an option to return to the main menu without saving in the initial Player Customization.
* Added Mission/Activity complete/failure backgrounds to the post-dlc05 random loading screen image candidates.
* Updated Sandbox++ help to v0.6.
SuperUI v1.4 (December 21, 2018)
* Added an option to disable all tutorial popups.
* The Activity Level Selector no longer queries which levels are available to the game; it *might* prevent freezes that happen if there are too many triggers.
SuperUI v1.3 (December 2, 2018)
* Added an option to disable all of HUD at Display Settings.
* Added an option to disable HUD messages at Display Settings.
* The map screen now displays current cash (instead of GAME PAUSED) at the bottom of the screen.
* The map screen now shows a confirmation dialog when exiting from a taxi service.
* On Phone Book only useful phone numbers (that spawns a vehicle) are listed by default. To display all contacts, highlight the Phone Book option on the main cellphone menu and push Spacebar.
** Note: In order to keep the list small enough to fit in 1 screen, Big Willy's Cab (8198415) is the only taxi service listed here. Eye for an Eye (5555966) is a one-time deal so it is not listed.
* Savegame Import option is now enabled in Single Player Plastic Surgeon, although it is kinda incomplete and the character's hair and makeup disappear when changing tabs.
SuperUI v1.2 (November 30, 2018)
* Ending Credits can now be skipped with Escape key.
* Do not display "You have enough respect to play more missions" on dlc05 "Corporate Meltdown".
* You can now receive maximum of 50 free ammo (amount varies depending on game progress) from Weapons Cache for thrown weapons except Satchel Charge. This feature compensates the limitation of the game that all non-equipped thrown ammo disappear upon loading a saved game. To receive your free ammo, simply highlight a thrown weapon and press your Enter key. This feature does not apply to Satchel because the ammo count always go back to 5.
* To prevent your money from being wasted, the weapon store now shows an error message when trying to buy Satchel Charge ammo from Thrown weapons tab.
SuperUI v1.1 (November 10, 2018)
* Radio Station logo is now shown on HUD rather than text, except My Radio and Police/FBI which lack logos.
* Added my Sandbox++ mod help. Download the mod here: (Note I accidently bundled it in SuperUI v1.0)
* Disabled Pause Menu ripple effect. Somewhat improves performance. (Minor side-effect: When switching between Map and Pause Menus the camera temporarily zooms in and out.)
* Map:
** Changed button tips of Map screen when using Mouse & Keyboard (GPS: Right Mouse Button, Resume: Tab)
** The "CHANGE MAP" button tip shown in Underground Map is now localized based on SR2's language.
* Multiplayer:
** Added a warning message if you open the multiplayer menu without loading single player mode first, to prevent naked character bug.
** Added Phone tab on multiplayer lobby, so you can goof around in the lobby using cheats.
** Removed Spacebar, Shift, and Ctrl button tips from Server Browser because these do absolutely nothing on LAN.
* Food Stores:
** Food is now sorted by health value instead of price. The 75% health item is now the default cursor position.
** Push Spacebar to show the selected food's flavour text. (Note, Kabob lacks a unique text and shown as a "cola beverage")
** If all food slots are full but has an item that can be replaced, the price color becomes blue. If no items can be replaced the price color becomes dark gray.
SuperUI v1.0 (November 7, 2018)
* Renamed to SuperUI and now incorporates "Pause Menu Tweaks", "Fast Cellphone", "Modern HUD", and "Random Loading Screen Tips" mods.
* Added "Cheat Shortcut Keys" feature.
* Homie names in cellphone are now localized depending on your SR2's language. (Except the homies added by GotR)
* On-screen Vehicle Surfing Timer added.
* Cash HUD will flash in red when you are spending money, and green when money is increasing.
* Added headline to all missions in Newspaper Clipboard.
* Added in-game display options to toggle HUD layout and autohide.
* Added an in-game display option to play Zombie Uprising using regular gameplay HUD with minimap and weapon circle.
* Added an option to return to main menu (without saving) from Zombie Uprising pause screen (Tab)
* Buying foods from the mall no longer mess up the Zombie Uprising HUD.
* Expanded some of Help topics. In addition to Main Menu, the extended help can now be accessed from the in-game pause menu.
* Each loading screen has three images that are cycled after a few seconds. This image order is now randomized.
* Added an ability to "replay" a Chop Shop vehicle.
* Added an option to start a new game without any clothing ("Start Without Clothing")
* Fixed a bug from the vanilla game that the Load Game menu always displayed the Saints mission icon.
* Added save file count display to Save Game menu.
nclok1405's Misc Menu Mod v0.6 (August 8, 2018)
* Removed exit prompt from gambling minigames (dialog is still shown when the player attempts to leave mid-game)
* Fixed Heli Assalt activity cutscene names (It was labeled "Heli For Hire")
* Replaced "{symbol not found}" label with generic-but-more-appropriate "Vehicle Dealer" when purchasing a Vehicle Dealer added by GotR.
* Bonus Derby menu now remembers last derby you played (The vehicle preview always shows a Monster Truck though)
* Vehicles wanted by a Chop Shop is highlighed in blue in Gang Customization screen.
* Added headline and Jane's Newscast transcript to various missions in Newspaper Clipboard. Also added Troy and Dex's Wiretap transcript for Revelation. Despite unused in the vanilla game, these are translated to every language. However, missions 10 and 11 of each gang and all strongholds lack them, and the Wiretaps lack transcripts for Julius.
* Plastic Surgeon:
** Non-working eye color option (labeled "Unavailable") is removed.
** Melee style option is not displayed when starting a new game because alternate styles are not unlocked until you beat at least one gang storyline.
nclok1405's Misc Menu Mod v0.5 (August 3, 2018)
* Disabled "Buy and change your clothes to increase your Style Rank" nag message.
* Replaced "Visit your crib stash often to collect money from owned hoods." nag message with "Stash Available". It is also now shown above the minimap.
* Added jewelry and tattoo stores to Wardrobe menu.
* Changed "Misc" clothing slot to "Miscellaneous". Along with "Teeth", these are now localized depending on your SR2's language.
nclok1405's Misc Menu Mod v0.4 (August 1, 2018)
* Do not display purchase confirmation dialog box on food stores if the price is $0 and the player has a empty food slot.
* Garage:
** Reward Vehicles are now highlighed with green text.
* Mission Success/Failure Screen:
** Fixed Zombie Uprising winning stats text overlapping with respect rewards.
* Main Menu:
** Help Menu enhanced; now contains more detailed help topic for some activities (such as Crowd Control) and added more Job Diversions.
nclok1405's Misc Menu Mod v0.3 (July 31, 2018)
* Garage:
** Added Vehicle Count display (Push Spacebar to see detailed count)
* Success/Failure Screen:
** Removed cancel prompt from activities.
** Displays final score in an activity with cash score (such as Mayhem and Insurance Fraud) as well as Zombie Uprising.
** Do not display "You have enough respect to play more missions" on Mission/Activity replay.
* Zombie Uprising:
** HUD is much simpler by default (you can edit hud_zombie.lua to customize it)
** The new HUD do not show score by default. Push Escape key to pause the game to see it.
nclok1405's Misc Menu Mod v0.2 (July 29, 2018)
* Enhanced Weapon Cache menu:
** You can now buy thrown weapon's ammo in Crib's Weapon Cache.
** Weapon Cache now shows the amount of ammo you currently have.
** Weapon Cache now displays price of the weapons you already own.
nclok1405's Misc Menu Mod v0.1 (July 27, 2018)
* Initial Release
* Vehicle Surfing timer is now disabled in multiplayer. It is reported to accidently activated during multiplayer matches.
* Fixed Drive-by scorecard's title, which mistakingly said Tow Truck.
* Updated Sandbox++ help to v0.8 and added Japanese version of it.
* Added more loading hints.
* Localized Satchel Charge ammo error message in Japanese.
* Added "Using a Food" control help topic (English and Japanese only)
SuperUI v1.8 (April 16, 2019)
* Added *.le_strings files. The messages specific to SuperUI mod are now loaded from these files.
** Only Japanese texts are really "localized" for SuperUI; other languages are in English.
* Marked "flasher coat with Morphs" as "Flasher Coat (Glitched)".
* Fixed Garage Help's text "one hundred sixty" garage limit, which is actually 64.
* static_JP.le_strings (Japanese language file):
** Fixed the bug which incorrectly displays your current money as the cost of surgeon.
** Fixed typos
** Fixed bugged messages where numbers at the end ("MSN_SH_BH_DOCKS_INSTRUCT_TWO" and "PIERCE_RON5_BICKER_01")
** Translated DLC mission messages
** Added random loading hints in Japanese
SuperUI v1.7.1 (April 11, 2019)
* Fixed a bug that GSI (the mission status indicator at the top-left corner) stopped working after exiting a Racing diversion.
SuperUI v1.7 (April 4, 2019)
* Added an option to disable the shadows around the four-corners of the screen. (Internally called "vignette")
* Added Achievements menu. This menu allows you to check the unlock status and progress of Single Player Achievements from Xbox 360 version of the game. Achievements of Co-op and competitive multiplayer modes are not included. The Soprano achievement is also missing because the game leaves no traces of it.
* "Show Hidden Stats" mod is now integrated to SuperUI mod (required for Achievements)
SuperUI v1.6 (January 15, 2019)
* Added an ability to load "Mod Missions" (Custom missions without a start navpoint) from Newspaper Clipboard. An example mission "Evil Gat Clones" (mm_evilgat) is included. Please read sui_mission_list.lua for more technical info.
* The problematic "flasher coat with Morphs" clothing item has been disabled from the Lua code side. This mod no longer requires the modded "customization_items.xtbl".
* The Weapons Cache now displays how many of free thrown ammo is available, and an "Weapon Picked Up" sound is played when you receive the free ammo.
SuperUI v1.5 (January 13, 2019)
* When an Occupational Diversion ends the game displays a score card, which shows how much money you earned and how long you played.
* I've removed a glitched clothing item "flasher coat with Morphs" (display name: "Flasher Coat") which is not used by any NPCs and not sold in any stores except the crib store. This clothing item quickly crashes the game when previewed and unlike the other Flasher Coat it cannot be used for Flashing diversion. (affects customization_items.xtbl)
* Added an option to return to the main menu without saving in the initial Player Customization.
* Added Mission/Activity complete/failure backgrounds to the post-dlc05 random loading screen image candidates.
* Updated Sandbox++ help to v0.6.
SuperUI v1.4 (December 21, 2018)
* Added an option to disable all tutorial popups.
* The Activity Level Selector no longer queries which levels are available to the game; it *might* prevent freezes that happen if there are too many triggers.
SuperUI v1.3 (December 2, 2018)
* Added an option to disable all of HUD at Display Settings.
* Added an option to disable HUD messages at Display Settings.
* The map screen now displays current cash (instead of GAME PAUSED) at the bottom of the screen.
* The map screen now shows a confirmation dialog when exiting from a taxi service.
* On Phone Book only useful phone numbers (that spawns a vehicle) are listed by default. To display all contacts, highlight the Phone Book option on the main cellphone menu and push Spacebar.
** Note: In order to keep the list small enough to fit in 1 screen, Big Willy's Cab (8198415) is the only taxi service listed here. Eye for an Eye (5555966) is a one-time deal so it is not listed.
* Savegame Import option is now enabled in Single Player Plastic Surgeon, although it is kinda incomplete and the character's hair and makeup disappear when changing tabs.
SuperUI v1.2 (November 30, 2018)
* Ending Credits can now be skipped with Escape key.
* Do not display "You have enough respect to play more missions" on dlc05 "Corporate Meltdown".
* You can now receive maximum of 50 free ammo (amount varies depending on game progress) from Weapons Cache for thrown weapons except Satchel Charge. This feature compensates the limitation of the game that all non-equipped thrown ammo disappear upon loading a saved game. To receive your free ammo, simply highlight a thrown weapon and press your Enter key. This feature does not apply to Satchel because the ammo count always go back to 5.
* To prevent your money from being wasted, the weapon store now shows an error message when trying to buy Satchel Charge ammo from Thrown weapons tab.
SuperUI v1.1 (November 10, 2018)
* Radio Station logo is now shown on HUD rather than text, except My Radio and Police/FBI which lack logos.
* Added my Sandbox++ mod help. Download the mod here: (Note I accidently bundled it in SuperUI v1.0)
* Disabled Pause Menu ripple effect. Somewhat improves performance. (Minor side-effect: When switching between Map and Pause Menus the camera temporarily zooms in and out.)
* Map:
** Changed button tips of Map screen when using Mouse & Keyboard (GPS: Right Mouse Button, Resume: Tab)
** The "CHANGE MAP" button tip shown in Underground Map is now localized based on SR2's language.
* Multiplayer:
** Added a warning message if you open the multiplayer menu without loading single player mode first, to prevent naked character bug.
** Added Phone tab on multiplayer lobby, so you can goof around in the lobby using cheats.
** Removed Spacebar, Shift, and Ctrl button tips from Server Browser because these do absolutely nothing on LAN.
* Food Stores:
** Food is now sorted by health value instead of price. The 75% health item is now the default cursor position.
** Push Spacebar to show the selected food's flavour text. (Note, Kabob lacks a unique text and shown as a "cola beverage")
** If all food slots are full but has an item that can be replaced, the price color becomes blue. If no items can be replaced the price color becomes dark gray.
SuperUI v1.0 (November 7, 2018)
* Renamed to SuperUI and now incorporates "Pause Menu Tweaks", "Fast Cellphone", "Modern HUD", and "Random Loading Screen Tips" mods.
* Added "Cheat Shortcut Keys" feature.
* Homie names in cellphone are now localized depending on your SR2's language. (Except the homies added by GotR)
* On-screen Vehicle Surfing Timer added.
* Cash HUD will flash in red when you are spending money, and green when money is increasing.
* Added headline to all missions in Newspaper Clipboard.
* Added in-game display options to toggle HUD layout and autohide.
* Added an in-game display option to play Zombie Uprising using regular gameplay HUD with minimap and weapon circle.
* Added an option to return to main menu (without saving) from Zombie Uprising pause screen (Tab)
* Buying foods from the mall no longer mess up the Zombie Uprising HUD.
* Expanded some of Help topics. In addition to Main Menu, the extended help can now be accessed from the in-game pause menu.
* Each loading screen has three images that are cycled after a few seconds. This image order is now randomized.
* Added an ability to "replay" a Chop Shop vehicle.
* Added an option to start a new game without any clothing ("Start Without Clothing")
* Fixed a bug from the vanilla game that the Load Game menu always displayed the Saints mission icon.
* Added save file count display to Save Game menu.
nclok1405's Misc Menu Mod v0.6 (August 8, 2018)
* Removed exit prompt from gambling minigames (dialog is still shown when the player attempts to leave mid-game)
* Fixed Heli Assalt activity cutscene names (It was labeled "Heli For Hire")
* Replaced "{symbol not found}" label with generic-but-more-appropriate "Vehicle Dealer" when purchasing a Vehicle Dealer added by GotR.
* Bonus Derby menu now remembers last derby you played (The vehicle preview always shows a Monster Truck though)
* Vehicles wanted by a Chop Shop is highlighed in blue in Gang Customization screen.
* Added headline and Jane's Newscast transcript to various missions in Newspaper Clipboard. Also added Troy and Dex's Wiretap transcript for Revelation. Despite unused in the vanilla game, these are translated to every language. However, missions 10 and 11 of each gang and all strongholds lack them, and the Wiretaps lack transcripts for Julius.
* Plastic Surgeon:
** Non-working eye color option (labeled "Unavailable") is removed.
** Melee style option is not displayed when starting a new game because alternate styles are not unlocked until you beat at least one gang storyline.
nclok1405's Misc Menu Mod v0.5 (August 3, 2018)
* Disabled "Buy and change your clothes to increase your Style Rank" nag message.
* Replaced "Visit your crib stash often to collect money from owned hoods." nag message with "Stash Available". It is also now shown above the minimap.
* Added jewelry and tattoo stores to Wardrobe menu.
* Changed "Misc" clothing slot to "Miscellaneous". Along with "Teeth", these are now localized depending on your SR2's language.
nclok1405's Misc Menu Mod v0.4 (August 1, 2018)
* Do not display purchase confirmation dialog box on food stores if the price is $0 and the player has a empty food slot.
* Garage:
** Reward Vehicles are now highlighed with green text.
* Mission Success/Failure Screen:
** Fixed Zombie Uprising winning stats text overlapping with respect rewards.
* Main Menu:
** Help Menu enhanced; now contains more detailed help topic for some activities (such as Crowd Control) and added more Job Diversions.
nclok1405's Misc Menu Mod v0.3 (July 31, 2018)
* Garage:
** Added Vehicle Count display (Push Spacebar to see detailed count)
* Success/Failure Screen:
** Removed cancel prompt from activities.
** Displays final score in an activity with cash score (such as Mayhem and Insurance Fraud) as well as Zombie Uprising.
** Do not display "You have enough respect to play more missions" on Mission/Activity replay.
* Zombie Uprising:
** HUD is much simpler by default (you can edit hud_zombie.lua to customize it)
** The new HUD do not show score by default. Push Escape key to pause the game to see it.
nclok1405's Misc Menu Mod v0.2 (July 29, 2018)
* Enhanced Weapon Cache menu:
** You can now buy thrown weapon's ammo in Crib's Weapon Cache.
** Weapon Cache now shows the amount of ammo you currently have.
** Weapon Cache now displays price of the weapons you already own.
nclok1405's Misc Menu Mod v0.1 (July 27, 2018)
* Initial Release
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