Suppressed Quickshot Pistol Mod


Hey guys, heres a quick mod I made while testing the Weapon SDK. Please enjoy! And would love too see your characters with it equipped. :)

Note that I haven't modified the firing sound, I'm sure Ill get around to figuring that out at some point.


Changing the firing sound is quite simple, you just open your weapon_costumes.xtbl, go to line 2596 and replace 'PISTOL_POLICE' with 'SMG_STORM' so that it uses the sound of the silenced Magna 10mm.

I forgot to mention that you have to change the looping from false to true in line 2599.
However, if you hold down the shoot key, the sound loops as if it's automatic fire, I don't know how to prevent this from happening.

2nd Edit:
I made some screenshots that show the weapon ingame.

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Oh awesome! I hadn't thought of the weapon skins working but its cool that they look mostly ok. For the new model I just placed the silencers UV in the existing texture.
I just noticed a bug. When you shoot and reload, not the upper part of the gun moves, but the hammer instead.

Very good;). One request,can you make it a little bit thinner?seems pretty fat. Other than that cool. I will try it tonight.
It's pretty realistic that way (biggy and fatty), also because of the shooting sound, y'know, suppressed guns doesn't sound like PHEEWW but more like BAAANG (instead of BAAAAAAAAAANG)
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It's pretty realistic that way, also because of the shooting sound, y'know, suppressed guns doesn't sound like PHEEWW but more like BAAANG (instead of BAAAAAAAAAANG)
I've always wondered why people say pew instead of bang, and I think that they're making the sound(well, close to the sound) a bullet makes when it ricochets off a wall.