[V] IdolNinja
Volition Staff
I'm trying to change the player to the Magarac Joe statue in the open world with Sandbox+. The customization_swap_player_rig() function works correctly for swapping other rigs, but not for joeladle.rig which causes the game to immediately crash when called. I have successfully packed joeladle.rig into preload_rig.vpp_pc, and this made no difference (the game still crashes when called.)
This is the current code.
If I comment out the line with customization_swap_player_rig(), the rest of the code works correctly, but the rig doesn't animate correctly and ends up looking like this:
I have also attached a crash dump for it as well.
This is the current code.
camera_script_enable("Joe Ladle")
customization_item_wear("cm_joeladle", "joeLadle.cmeshx", "joeLadle", false)
customization_swap_player_rig("joeladle.rig", "JOE", "joeLadle")
human_gravity_enable(LOCAL_PLAYER, false)
character_set_giant(LOCAL_PLAYER, true)
If I comment out the line with customization_swap_player_rig(), the rest of the code works correctly, but the rig doesn't animate correctly and ends up looking like this:
I have also attached a crash dump for it as well.