SweetFX For srtt By Viper Venom and PlagueofMidgets

Dont touch skybox,default district,weather commandline is set for mine so change if necesary but is highly useful and watch out for a bleeding effect in the sky thats what the commandline clears up;)
Thanks. Does commandline have anything to do with SweetFx? If it does I may have to make another one and I don't know how to do that.
Thanks. Does commandline have anything to do with SweetFx? If it does I may have to make another one and I don't know how to do that.
It is one i created to clear up the bleeding effect in the sky and makes textures like rugs and brick become more 3 dimensional and water more realistic but if you ant to create your own simply create a noepad named commandline.txt and use same phrasing i used;)
It is one i created to clear up the bleeding effect in the sky and makes textures like rugs and brick become more 3 dimensional and water more realistic but if you ant to create your own simply create a noepad named commandline.txt and use same phrasing i used;)
I got it working but I need to change some of the settings because it is really sharp at the moment. Thanks again for your assistance!
Before and After
