SweetFX | Shinobu" Fix -Softness from Stillwater-

Hello, here my preset of Saints Row The Third.

Not wanting to break the work of Viper Venom and PlagueofMidgets , I decided to make another thread on my preset.

The render of the game will be softer, less colorful, more britghter, less of color blue filter, with a little HDR .
For now, it is only compatible DX9. (I work for the DX11 version)

Screenshots :









Comparison Screenshots : http://sfx.thelazy.net/games/preset/3233/

For Download SweetFX, here : http://sfx.thelazy.net/static/media...ector_CeeJay.dks.1.5.1.ChromaticAberration.7z

Installation instruction for SweetFX : Extract all files in the parent directory of Saints Row The Third
The files list is this


Installation instruction of preset : Put the SweetFX settings on the parent directory of Saints Row The Third (with other files of SweetFX.)


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interesting setup. my problem was that the x64 files are what broke the directx 11 support. that's why I never used them and then modified the shaders to match the game correctly. no worries my friend, everyone has different graphics cards and preferences so the variety is nice. pm me and maybe I can help you get the dx11 support working.

Here is a comparison for everyone:
Your results with my dx11 support
Now my sweetfx v2 final results with dx11 support:
Now not critisism as everyones taste is different. But as i see it sweetfx was designed to enhance the color and bring a more life like look to games. Now after a month of modifying the d3d9.dll to match steam support everyone has been popping up with new places to download sweetfx and different settings for the game. Now i have no problem with people modifying my files to their own taste but as i see the comparison side by side, yours looks no different than the original saints row the third dx11.exe graphics my nvidia card already puts out with a stock game. So i suppose it would be everyones personal preference at this point what to download.

You are missing 3 major files that do everything for sweetfx:
And last but not least the injector.ini that injects your settings into the game and adds the dx11 support
And not to forget the dxgi.fx
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Interresting, but i prefer to play in Dx11 mode. If my GC couldn't run this mode, i would have used this preset wich is (at least for me) very nice :).
Omg I can't wait till you complete this hope you also do one for saints row 4 i hope you also make them as intensely awesome as the ones you did for saints row 2:)