The Boss Goes To Washington [CO-OP BUG]

I don't recall all the weapons I had equipped but out of that list Ziggy made I always have these equipped for regular play

Tentacle bat -> Violator, purple tentacle
Heavy pistol -> The Captain, cool blue (?)
Heavy SMG -> Gangland, black and white
Semi-auto shotgun -> Big game, blue camo

My automatic rifle uses the Merc LMG as well, default skin, my RPG uses the spud gun in gold, and I think I had the Merica or Dubstep gun as my special. If it was Dubstep Gun I have the pop star skin on it. But I don't always use those weapons so I'm not sure I had them equipped.
That was what I used in to play The Boss Goes To Washington.

We need to know the weapons and skins you were using at the time that you couldn't complete the mission. We're trying to figure out which weapon skins are causing this issue.
UPDATE: I have discovered the source of this bug. Many thanks to all the information you all have provided.

The precise repro steps are:
1) Start the mission in Co-op
2) The client (2nd player) has a non-standard "RPG" skin set in their inventory during the mission (anything that isn't under the "J7 ROCKET LAUNCHER" category)
3) The mission will stall indefinitely after the cinematic of Paul smacking the player to the nearby rooftop

Current Work-Around:
1) Client should set their RPG skin to one of the "J7 ROCKET LAUNCHER" skins for this mission.

I am currently working on a proper fix to include in the next patch, as well is seeing if this is similar to any of the other weapon related infinite loads reported in other missions. I'll post any important updates, as this issue is being addressed.
This issue has been fixed internally, and will be pushed out with the next stable patch release on all platforms. I'm not involved at all with releasing patches, so I can't comment on when this particular fix will be patched for various platforms. I'd expect "soon".