The Freezer (Glitch)

It could stress the drive mechanism trying to read for 8 minutes straight, on a console that's already known for being pretty flimsy, but that's still... kind of hard to believe.
More likely a dirty lens, which can cause the same red ring, based on the look of that Xbox 360.
More likely a dirty lens, which can cause the same red ring, based on the look of that Xbox 360.

Here's a picture of the disc the guy in the video used. (We're in the same discord)
Here's a picture of the disc the guy in the video used. (We're in the same discord)
Yeah, that scratch looks like it was caused by the Xbox 360 disc scratching problem. It happened to my Halo 4 disc. All bets are off at that point. Anything strange can happen, if it loads at all.

I wouldn't expect it to permanently damage a unit that's in good condition, but as Corrodias said, it could very well stress the drive because it will keep retrying to read that damaged part of the disc. I wouldn't recommend allowing the unit to just sit there for 8 minutes trying to read the disc.
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Anyways, besides the disc. I think he did solve the freezer. A distant ped that loads in too close to the player and crashes the game.